Photo for today:
A wonderful goody basket Laine made for each of the staff members – this one is mine. ::smiles:: I snagged the super cute Halloween gift cards from Starbucks for each of my staff members.
So, happy Halloween. Blessed Samhain to those who celebrate. I will be celebrating my Samhain tomorrow. Husband is home today, which honestly, means I cannot hold ritual. Not that he has anything against Paganism (he’s friggin’ Wiccan) or anything. Just that he and Josey are NOT quiet creatures at all and even on their best behaviors, they are massively distracting. ::chuckles:: So I just opt to push my ritual to a more convenient date and time.
This is the final day for this round of the NaJoWriMo challenge (National Journal Writing Month). I have already broken the 15,000 word count, so this entry is all icing on the cake. And I opted to scrap the idea of the Inner Witch Photo challenge. While I like the IDEA behind it, I definitely have to rework the prompts to flow with the moon cycle through October 2018.
But all in all, it was a pretty good month. Now I’m gearing up for November and everything THAT month entails. Namely my birthday and then Thanksgiving. Not to mention course work. AND I still need to finish working up my resume and cover letter so I can submit that ASAP.
I swear there is just so much stuff to do and I’m about ready to just shut down completely. So for now, I’m focusing solely on Samhain ceremony tomorrow. I need to pick up pomegranate juice and madeleines for ritual. I’m feeling the pull to bring out my drum again. I won’t be drumming up each ancestor like I did last year…but overall some drumming as a part of the ritual will occur.
Ok, I’m too exhausted to keep going. Work was good, but tiring. Tomorrow is our “day of play”. It’s looking a bit lackluster, but oh well. It’s the best I can do in the time frame the bosses gave us. So they can just deal with it. ::chuckles::

A wonderful goody basket Laine made for each of the staff members – this one is mine. ::smiles:: I snagged the super cute Halloween gift cards from Starbucks for each of my staff members.
So, happy Halloween. Blessed Samhain to those who celebrate. I will be celebrating my Samhain tomorrow. Husband is home today, which honestly, means I cannot hold ritual. Not that he has anything against Paganism (he’s friggin’ Wiccan) or anything. Just that he and Josey are NOT quiet creatures at all and even on their best behaviors, they are massively distracting. ::chuckles:: So I just opt to push my ritual to a more convenient date and time.
This is the final day for this round of the NaJoWriMo challenge (National Journal Writing Month). I have already broken the 15,000 word count, so this entry is all icing on the cake. And I opted to scrap the idea of the Inner Witch Photo challenge. While I like the IDEA behind it, I definitely have to rework the prompts to flow with the moon cycle through October 2018.
But all in all, it was a pretty good month. Now I’m gearing up for November and everything THAT month entails. Namely my birthday and then Thanksgiving. Not to mention course work. AND I still need to finish working up my resume and cover letter so I can submit that ASAP.
I swear there is just so much stuff to do and I’m about ready to just shut down completely. So for now, I’m focusing solely on Samhain ceremony tomorrow. I need to pick up pomegranate juice and madeleines for ritual. I’m feeling the pull to bring out my drum again. I won’t be drumming up each ancestor like I did last year…but overall some drumming as a part of the ritual will occur.
Ok, I’m too exhausted to keep going. Work was good, but tiring. Tomorrow is our “day of play”. It’s looking a bit lackluster, but oh well. It’s the best I can do in the time frame the bosses gave us. So they can just deal with it. ::chuckles::