Photo for today:

Every year, for Halloween, Wolf Park does this “Give a Wolf a Pumpkin” fundraiser. And for a $25 donation, they will send you a photo of the wolf (or fox or coyote) of your choice, enjoying the carved pumpkins. I’ve been doing this for well over a decade now (I really should gather up all the photos I have and see when the earliest one was). This year I chose Niko, one of their new pups – the only male black wolf they have.
I spent most of today catching up on my 10 year journal. I had let that slide (due to school and work and all that jazz), so it took most of the day to catch up on my notes. Now I just have to transfer it over to the actual journal. ::chuckles:: But this is year 2 that I’ve put in this journal. Eight more years to go. ::smiles::
I’ve got to remember to tame down my Bad Ass Witchy Self. One of the newbies (Jenni) in the Cauldron group messaged me with some questions over the Witch Balls the group is currently having a blast making. I gave her all the advice I had…and she’s invited me up to visit her…after “talking” to me for 30 minutes. Um yeah…that ain’t happening anytime soon.
I am trying to put my knowledge and my spin on this out there. Gods, how much different would I have been if I’d been able to talk to other witches when I first started out? Like, that would have been so amazing. But, at the same time, there is nothing like doing it all on your own as a learning experience. You are forced to figure it out. You get to figure out what YOU enjoy doing, what YOUR innate skills are, and what exactly YOU believe or don’t believe. There is no substitute for that. And honestly, now that I think about it…I am glad that I did so many years completely solitary before getting involved in Covens and the greater Pagan Community.
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