written: November 16th
Photo for day:
Damn katydid is eating my roses. I know, I shouldn’t be complaining
as my roses are STILL blooming in the middle of friggin’ November. But I
would be happier if the damn katydid wasn’t munching on them currently.
I do need to tie some of the newer canes up to keep them from being
completely bent to the ground. The blossoms are heavy and tend to bloom
in major clusters. All in all, a good problem to have, in my opinion.
So yeah, to say the staff meeting today was a clusterfuck would not
even begin to scratch the surface out just how fucked up it was. I
wrote a MASSIVE long entry about it already and I have no desire to
revisit that now. I will be lodging a complaint with HR in the morning.
I have to fill out this special form, but at least I can scan and
email it once it’s done. Plus, I would hate to have to handwrite
today’s crap-storm…with the form being a Word Document, I can type it so
much faster than I could ever hope to handwrite. And honestly, my
hands are so out of shape in that regard now. I remember the last time I
did the Morning Pages…in the beginning I would have to take multiple
breaks to rest my poor hand as it was cramping up before three pages
were written. And to think, I used to write all of my college papers
longhand before typing them up. ::shakes her head::
Paula did text me later on the in evening, to apologize if any of her
comments added to my feeling of complete alienation during the meeting.
She’s been a good friend for a while, and a friend on Facebook (which
means something deeply to me, as I do NOT censor myself on Facebook), so
she’s WELL aware that I’m Pagan and a crazy liberal. I’m sure she
subconsciously knows that I’m bisexual, even though I’m not super out
about that. There’s just no reason to be, as I’m in a very committed
relationship and have zero desire to cheat on my husband, so honestly,
my sexuality is very rarely a topic. But she would certainly know that
I’m pro-equal rights for the LGBTQ community. She’s usually very
conscious of equality in just about everything, hence why we are such
good friends. But this also explains why her callous remarks were so
hurtful, because it really was the last thing I expected from her.
Honestly, I think that the meeting threw everyone for a loop….well,
no. Not everyone. Some weren’t phased at all and continued with their
WASP commentary. But for the bulk of us, it was so out of left field
and SO terribly handled that all of us were just caught off guard. And
it sucks, because someone really should have been able to stand up and
shut that shit show down, but all of us were just flabbergasted at it.
It is hard to stand up and say something, when there is a good chance
there can be some serious repercussions for doing so. It’s hard to
stand up and say something, outing yourself, and thus very realistically
putting your job on the line. And it’s really hard to stand up and say
something when you get the rug pulled out from under you like that.
::shakes her head:: So yeah, I’m not happy that I didn’t take the
opportunity to speak up and say something. But I will not remain
silent. By remaining silent, I am saying “This is ok”. And it is NOT
So wish me luck. I will be making my stand shortly. I hope it
doesn’t completely out me, as I’m not ready for that yet. But if that
is what it takes, then so be it. Hopefully by me speaking up, it will
give others to courage to stand up as well, in whatever way best suits
And, should this shit blow back on me in a negative light, I WILL
secure legal counsel and take it as far as that fight needs to go.
Again, I hope it doesn’t go that far.
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