Photo for today:
As long as the weather holds, I’m going to have more roses once again. ::smiles:: I am loving this rose bush and am so glad that Paula was getting rid of it and I was able to snag it. She seems to be THRIVING in my lil backyard.
I buried the apple, the incense ash, and the pomegranate juice from my Samhain ritual at the base of the rose bush. Maybe that’s one of the reasons it’s doing so well? All the offerings and extra magic that comes its way through these buried offerings. ::chuckles::
Today was a bad day emotionally. I bottomed out before even making it to work. I opted to treat myself to Starbucks – a chai tea latte and a package of Madeleines – to beat back the blues.
And then I got the most wondrous news – Gail sent out an email saying that she’s taken a different position in the school district and her last day with our after school program is Nov 15th. Jess got to see my happy dance. ::cracks up:: So that now means there will be TWO supervisor positions open, so my chances of landing one of those are even better.
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