Photo for today:

A truly amazing birthday gift from Mary. It’s a piece of Psilomelane Merlinite that she then wire wrapped herself for me. Talk about a kick-ass gift.
Depression has been horrible this week. The desire to cut has been massive. Which looking back on other journal entries from around this time, seems to be pretty par for the course. That’s one of the awesome things about keeping a journal…sometimes these patterns are so huge that you can’t see it until you can get the 200-foot view. So, now armed with that information that this seems to be a pattern around this time of the year, I will set some plans/ideas for next year, to hopefully lessen the impact. I’m thinking of getting my hair cut and colored/styled something new each November – I am cutting at least 8 inches off this weekend. I don’t know if I’ll do any color this time around, but I will keep my options open.
Turns out I did one of my assignments for class wrong. ::sighs:: But the professor emailed me about it, and wants me to redo the assignment. And, because he’s so friggin’ awesome, he isn’t docking my grade for it AND is giving me until Monday to get it written and submitted. Awesome of him to be so generous, but fuck. It’s just one more thing that’s gone wrong.
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