Photo for today:
Awesome “portraits” one of my students drew of Leviathan today.
Alex M. is amazingly gifted, completely self-taught, lil artist and I LOVE when she asks me for ideas on what to draw. I always come up with crazy things for her to draw Leviathan as. ::chuckles:: I have more that she drew today, but I forgot them up at work, so I’ll snag them tomorrow and share them as well.
So I got my grade back on the rewrite I did of my “Finding Aid” paper – a 93! Woohoo! That brings my grade for the class up to an A finally. Now, I just have to keep a firm grip on that for the remaining three assignments in the semester. And then I’m home free.
I registered for next semester’s classes. I’m taking “Literature for Youth” and “Digital Citizenship”. The Youth Lit class sounds like fun. The Digital Citizenship, not so much, but it should prove useful. I wanted to take the Storytelling class, but it was already full. So I’m going to make note of that class and hopefully get into it for the Fall 2018 semester. ::smiles:: I am getting close, so close, to finally graduating. I seriously can’t wait. ::chuckles::
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