written: November 6th
Photo for today:
Me after my interview. David picked out the top. I wish I could
have gotten a better photo of it as the top really was pretty. It’s a
light silvery gray. I even busted out the make-up. ::laughs:: I sent
the photo to my Mom with the caption “Look Ma! No claws!” ::laughs::
The joke being that she gently brought up my various claw jewelry
would most likely NOT be Interview Appropriate Attire ™. ::laughs::
Shit, my polar claw necklace cost more than the combined jewelry worn by
Kelly and Esmeralda (no counting wedding rings).
So after my Samhain ritual, I came up with the idea to wrap up my
Beloved Dead candle in a fabric wine bottle bag. I figured it would be
long and slender, which would house the 7-day candle easily. I found
one on Etsy that I liked and it arrived today. I should get a photo of
it – it’s black satin with a silver trim at the top. It’s broader than I
would have preferred, but unless I get my own sewing machine and make
it myself, this will have to do for now. ::chuckles::
Man, this entry is so damn jumbled. My mood has taken a massive
nosedive today after the interview. I swear, I needed a big ole nap
after the interview. It honestly felt like I had an adrenaline dump
during the interview, my anxiety spiked right before leaving the house
to head to the interview. Once I was in the interview, I was fine. But
damn, when it was over? I just wanted to go to sleep.
Gail (my current supervisor) sent out an email today, saying that Nov
10th would be her actual last day (instead of the 15th like her
original email stated). Happy birthday to me! ::laughs:: Though,
seriously, I almost kind of like her now.
That’s one of my biggest flaws, that I don’t know how to go about
fixing. It takes a lot to truly piss me off. But once you’ve managed
to do that? There is no forgive and forget. And yeah, last year, when
Gail came out to my campus, throwing all the accusations at me (fed to
her by a fucking SHITTY ass employee that had completely imploded
another after school campus in our program), refusing to let me defend
or even explain a damn thing, and then coming back out to threaten my
ENTIRE staff that she should fire us……yeah, she earned some very
deep-seated hatred and mistrust that day. But it sucks that one week of
her temper-tantrums has burned that bridge between us to the ground and
salted the earth around it.
And I get where she was coming from. I get that she was completely
unprepared for this job, and no one gave her any sort of training. And I
get that while she has her Ph.D. (serious hats off to that, because the
Master’s program is kicking my butt – I cannot even imagine how brutal
the Ph.D. program must be) and has taught at the high school level for
years….but that’s a drastically different beast than working with
elementary aged students. So yeah, I get why she felt that she had to
come out and assert her dominance. I can even sympathize. And hell, I
can even work respectfully with her this past year. No problem. But to
actually TRUST her? To actually forgive her? Yeah, that shit is never
Part of me wishes I could forgive and move on. And the louder part
of me is screaming “Fuck her, she earned this!” ::chuckles::
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