Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for…
1.       FINALLY got the letters written AND mailed to my three pen pals this week!  I have been sitting on their letters far too long.
2.       All the things we are constantly having to go back and redo at the technology job.  While it can be extremely aggravating, it is the norm at this job, and it guarantees job security for damn sure.
3.       Two of the three apple seeds I tried my hand at germinating have made it to the sprout stage.  I have transplanted them and I really, REALLY hope at least one grows into a tree.
4.       After working with Damon on Saturday, we have made real progress on teaching Josey not to bite.  Or at least not so hard.  She is allowed to “mouth” when we are playing, but anything with pressure, we stop that immediately.
5.       Holly’s crape myrtle survived the wicked awesome storm that blew through on Sunday.  We had to tether it because the heavy blossoms were really bending the stalks, but it survived and is doing quite well.
6.       The above mentioned storm – it really snuck up on us.  And when it hit, it hit like a ton of bricks.  Awesome and awe-inspiring!
7.       Discovering the Kind bars – so delicious!  They make the perfect breakfast snake and are not complete junk food.
8.       I am always super grateful for my three day weekends with the technology job.  ::grins::
9.       FINALLY get to go to Academic Advising tomorrow (I have been trying for over a MONTH to get in).  I am ready to get a degree plan and map out what courses I will take what semesters and to have a general idea of when I will graduate.
10.   All the hard work David continues to put into making the house better suited to us.  He has paved many of the really muddy and dirt filled areas with beautiful stones.  This will also help cut down on the massive mosquito population hopefully!

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