Sunday, July 3, 2016

I believe...

Alright, I’ve been putting this off for far too long.

2016 Grimoire Challenge Question 1: What do you believe in?

Holy hell. Can we be any more broad? But then again…this is the question I get most when people find out I’m Pagan. What do you believe in?

I believe in the ideals of Free Will and Personal Accountability. We all have our lot in life, our roles to play out, but in the end, we have free will and can choose to behave/react in any way we so choose. There is no hell, no damnation in my belief system. But trust me. If you are an asshole, people will be assholes right back to you.

I do not follow the Wiccan Rede (I should also say I’m not Wiccan) which states “An ye harm none, do as ye wilt.” And I do not believe in the 3-fold Law (also Wiccan) that states that whatever you do, be it good or be it bad, will return to you three times over (though, there is debate if it means it will come back 3 individual times, or if it will simply come back once, but three times as strong as what you put out there).

I believe that Life does seek a balance. Every action has an equal but opposite reaction. Every action has a consequence, be it good or bad, and just because I exercise my free will does not mean I’m not accountable for the repercussions of my choices.

I believe that all deities are valid. I personally have very little dealings with male deities. I’m dedicated to Sekhmet. And I work heavily with Spirits (beings that aren’t quite deities, but are above humans) and Totems (spirit animals). I have zero dealings and zero tolerance for Fae (fairy folk) and most get banished the fuck out of my home the second they show up.

I believe in magick, and that in its purest form it is neither good nor evil. The intent behind the way it’s used and its outcome determines its positive or negative association. Will I hex/curse? You bet your ass I will. But I see hexing/cursing as a last resort type thing. I will pursue all other avenues I can before turning to that. But if someone is directly harming me or my family? I will hex. And I will lose zero sleep over it.

I don’t know what comes after this life. I don’t know if I believe in reincarnation or what form the After Life takes. I know there IS an After Life of some sort – dealings with ghosts and spirits have taught me at least that there is SOMETHING after. But that’s all I know. And I honestly? I don’t really care that much. I feel that there is too much here for me to do and experience to be worrying about what comes next. I’ll figure that out when I get there! ::laughs::

I think that’s about it for now. Though I’m sure I’ll continue to add to this as I roam through life.

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