Monday, July 11, 2016

Thankful Thursday

written July 7th

I am grateful for…
1.       Job security at the Technology Job.  There is so much bullshit and crazy inefficiency that drives me utterly bonkers at times, but seriously, because I’m competent and a hard worker, I know that my job is always secure. 
2.       That the crape myrtle we planted in Holly’s memory is doing fine after the previous lawn care guy almost cut it completely down with a weed eater.  Not only is it doing it fine, but it’s actually blooming as well!  And the advertising was spot on – rocket red blossoms.  Just gorgeous.  I can’t wait to watch this lil crape myrtle grow and get bigger over the years.
3.       Great time hanging out with Hazel and just talking all manner of “witchy” stuff.  ::laughs::  Can’t believe I used that term, but it is what it is.  We have made tentative plans for what the next Sabbats and Esbats for the group will entail.  Honestly, it was just nice to sit and shoot the shit for a while.  To discuss all manner of Pagan things.
4.       The unexpected check from the stock options that Starbucks gave me back when I was working there.  It was a wonderful surprise to receive a check for $540 when I needed it. 
5.       The simple act of bringing my spirituality back to the forefront of my life.  Amazing the difference a stick of incense and a candle can make.
6.       Finally beginning to respond to three of my pen pals.  I’ve had letters from them for weeks now, but am just not finding the inspiration to reply.
7.       Gorgeous sliver of a moon that hangs in the sky this evening.  While I do adore a good full moon, the barest sliver right after a new moon never fails to steal my breath away. 
8.       Season 11 of Criminal Minds is finally on Netflix.  You better believe we are watching that right now!
9.       And speaking of Netflix, I’m grateful for all the tv series that have been on Netflix.  I’m loving it.  I’ve watched Bates Motel, Salem, Witches of East End, The Secret Circle, and now Penny Dreadful.
10.   Enjoying the end of my work week.  I really do enjoy only working 4 days a week.  It’s really quite nice.  Too bad when the school year starts up in August, I’ll go back to working 5 days again. 

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