I found a list of “40
Questions Witchy Tag” on YouTube, so I figure I will start answering a
handful of those as well. I need to go
and see what is the next round of journaling questions in the 2016 Grimoire
Challenge, but I kind of want something a bit more light-hearted today. So I will answer a handful of the 40
Questions until I reach the 500 word mark.
I should be able to finish these by the end of the month.
Question #1 – What
kind of witch are you? You know, I
am not really one for labels. They are
just way too limiting, and people just want a sound-bite size to sum you up
with. I guess it’s a hold-over from
Christianity – you have Baptists, Southern Baptists, Catholics, Eastern
Orthodox, Methodists, etc, etc. And it’s
easy to pigeon-hole people and have a good understanding of what their beliefs
and rituals are. It’s much harder with
Pagans. Less so with the established
lineages – Gardernian, Alexandrian, Dianic, etc – those are fairly set in their
traditions. But the rest of us? We are as varied and colorful as the flowers
that populate this planet.
So all of that to say, I am a shamanistic, animistic, witch
dedicated to Sekhmet, but who is not Kemetic (orthodox Egyptian paganism –
though, I am interested in learning more about the Kemetic religion). I am similar to the Dianics, as male deities
play little to no role in my religion. I
am not Wiccan. I much more Earth-based
in my beliefs, but I still eat meat.
::chuckles:: I am eclectic in the
greatest sense. If it works for me, I’ll
use it, but I will typically tweak it to fit myself better.
Question #2 – How did
you discover your path? There’s the
standard rote answer of “I always knew I was a witch, I just didn’t know it had
a name” which is fairly accurate. But I
found the name to what my soul knew when I stumbled across the book Diary of a
Witch by Sybil Leek in my maternal grandmother’s personal library. And then I got my step-mother to buy me
Witchcraft: From the Inside by Raymond Buckland and I was hooked at that point. It all clicked, it all made sense. And I haven’t looked back since – and that
was back in late 1995. Before that, I
was always fascinated with the customs, rituals, and beliefs of indigenous
people. Hell, I ended up specializing in
that with my bachelor’s degree.
Question #3 – How long
have you been practicing? I kind of
answered that in Question #2. I have
been actively practicing (meaning, actually doing rituals) since 1996.
Question #4 – What
tradition do you follow? This was
covered in Question # 1 when I was explaining what type of witch I am. So to recap – I don’t follow any
“Tradition”. I follow my own Path, of
mine and the Divine’s making.
Question #5 – Are you
solitary or do you have a coven? I
typically say I’m a solitary that dabbles in covens. Even when I am a part of a coven or a group,
I still do my own solitary rituals. So
while I enjoy being a part of a group for rituals, I do like doing my own thing
as well.
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