I had kept the four acorns that I took a photo of, when I was talking about the Monster Acorn (later named Godzilla Acorns) back on October 15th. I knew that eventually I would return them to the wilds and today happened to be that day. It just felt right.
I took Holly on a walk, walking on the opposite side from our typical route, just to change things up a bit, and I came across this awesome acorn just hanging out in the middle of the sidewalk. All perfect, with a rather strange white color to it, with its cap still perfectly on. I knew it was a gift to me. So I picked up and carried with me on my walk, as I released the other four acorns back into the wooded area. And I wondered why I would have this Ghost Acorn pick me and what was I expected to DO with it?
I kept rolling it between my fingers, marveling at its smooth beauty and quietly asking it what was I supposed to do with it.
And the quiet voice inside simply stated, “Plant me. Nurture me.”
And immediately I thought to myself, “I live in a an apartment. What the hell am I going to do with a damn OAK TREE?”
The quite voice simply stated again, “Plant me. Nurture me.”
And I figure, why the hell not? It’s not like I’m going to be living in a an apartment all my life. And it would be kind of cool to nurture this lil Ghost Acorn into an awesome oak tree and be able to plant that in the yard whenever we DO get a house.
And given that this is a very pretty acorn, I wouldn’t mind having it around. And if I ever get around to teaching myself how to leech out the toxins in acorns so that I can use it to make acorn flour....this would be a GREAT tree to harvest from. Large and plentiful acorns that have a white coloration to them, which makes them very easy to spot in the dead grass and leaves.
I will need to look into how to properly sprout an acorn, as I want to give this lil guy the best fighting chance possible.
I found this How To Plant an Acorn on the Seeds for the Future Website. I will park the link here so I can come back to it later. I don’t think it a good idea to plant something NEW so close to Samhain – a Sabbat mostly focused on the harvest and the dead. Maybe I will plant the Ghost Acorn on my birthday (November 10th). Sounds like a good idea to me.
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