Thursday, October 29, 2015


written: Oct 26th

To Do:
* register for classes
* finish the NaJoWritMo challenge
* carve the pumpkin and roast the seeds
* celebrate Samhain
* decide if I'm making an appointment with my doctor about continuing my sleeping meds
* Full Moon celebration

So apparently I have some "Hold" on my college account from way back in 2008 -- when I was thinking of getting a second bachelors in Photography.  I ended up not going because the University of North Texas's photography program was terribly out of date (ONLY taught analog photography, NO digital at that point).  Only fitting it comes back to bite me now.  ::sighs::  So I will have to call the Registrar's Office tomorrow morning and hope it's an easy fix.  THEN I am just waiting on my Advisor to approve my two courses and I am golden.  ::laughs::  How many times have I said that, though?

I am having a slight Mid-Life Crisis (though, maybe it's just a late Quarter-Life crisis?).  I am a little snippy about working at Starbucks currently, at my age.  Mostly, I hate the judginess I feel from other people when they hear I am working two jobs -- and one of those jobs being a shitty-ass-barely-above-minimum-wage job.  ::sighs::  I am just tired of my "career" path as it currently stands (non-existent).

I am NOT disappointed in the 19 years I have done in child care.  I have loved the vast majority of it and I certainly love my students and will be quite sad when it comes time to leave them.  But I won't be a public teacher (and I have the utmost respect for those who do teach) so I am more than ready for a change of pace.  Not to mention I am ready to be earning paychecks along the lines of what my husband makes.  ::laughs::  Or at least, a LOT more than what I currently make!

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