My dearest on-line buddy, Ray, shared the above photo and inspiration earlier this evening on FaceBook (guess it IS good for something....sometimes ::grins and winks::). And damn, did I EVER need to hear that?
I am so grateful that the Divine doesn’t give up when it appears I’ll never hear the message It is sending my way due to my own bone-headed-ness. I am grateful for the INFINITE patience Divinity continues to show me (along with the epic Bitch Slaps Upside the Head, that I MORE than earn). ::laughs::
I was walking Holly earlier and was all up in my head. As I approached the “Godzilla Acorn Tree” (as Kimberly dubbed it, upon seeing the MONSTER acorns that tree produces), I immediately thought to myself, “I better wake the fuck up before I get beamed by one of those acorns again.” And sure enough, a Godzilla acorn fell a few feet in front of me. ::laughs::
Again and again and again, I am being shown the message that while all this crap matters in this single moment, on the grand scale of does not matter.
Sure, I hate working at Starbucks. And most of the time, it’s borderline abuse. But I have my Liberation Date in mind (December 16th), and only have 21 more work shifts until that Liberation Date. When I didn’t have the Liberation Date, and that job was just stretching on until eternity…it just made life so much worse. But with the end date in sight…and that I’ve even begun my count down to it…I can survive this. And in the end, the extra $700 or so, that I’ll earn between now and then? That will pay for a repair I need done on my car. THAT is why I’m still going. And honestly, in 5 years, none of this will matter. All of it will have faded like a bad dream that I can easily put behind me.
Yes, I am hating having to jump through so many hoops for college. But guess what? I AM GOING TO GET MY MASTERS DEGREE. What are a few hoops in the grand scheme of THAT? I am waiting for Department Approval so that I can register for the two classes I want. And then I will probably still be waiting for Financial Aid to get its butt in gear. But, while that all sucks right now in the moment, I know once I cross those hurdles, it’ll all be ok. Classes will be a whole ‘nother bear, but, hey. One hurdle at a time, please!
Tonight is the Full Hunter’s Moon and she is GLORIOUS. I opted to pamper the shit out of myself. I used a nice hair mask, so I know my hair is going to be gorgeous and soft and not all over the place tomorrow and the next day. I busted out the aromatherapy sugar scrubs from Bath & Body Works and lathered up, neck to feet. And now, I’m sitting here, basking in the glow of a happy body that smells like mint. So relaxed.
And another cool thing that I can thank Ray for....when I posted this original photo, the first word that sprang to my mind was the Lakota “pilamaya” – simply, a deep, heartfelt thank you. Which then got me to thinking…why use the Lakota word when I’ve found proof that I have (very distant) Cree ancestors? Why not use THEIR word? So I went looking for what it would be…and I found on YouTube, A First Nation’s Language Speak Circle for the Plains Cree language. I don’t know if there is a major difference between the Plains Cree dialect and the Swampy Cree (my Ancestors), but I thought, “How awesome is it that I can learn a least a piece of the language?”
So thank you, Ray, for sharing the message that you admit you needed to hear as well.
Thank you for that, because it brought about a shift I needed today.
It reminded me of Hawk’s continuous message to me – You have to let go of the bull shit that is weighting you down if you ever plan to take to the skies.
And because of all of this, I have found some YouTube tutorials on the Cree language.
So Ray, kinana’skomitin.
(means I thank you in Cree)
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