Photo for today:
Anput goddess statue by Brigid’s Grove.
I am thankful for…
1. This truly awesome lil goddess statue. Even though the creator named her Anput – an ancient Egyptian goddess, wife to Anubis – but for me, this little goddess will be on the Wolf Altar. This is the representative of the Wolf Mother.
2. In theory, I will have another aide to help out soon. Which is good, because we are getting ANOTHER new student on Monday, which brings our student count up to 66. ::shakes her head:: I am seriously losing my mind here.
3. That my supervisor came out today and got to see, first hand, just how insane my campus is and how badly we NEED an extra person. AND she got to see how crappy Jesse is being currently.
4. Reading an article on a Witches’ Almanac VS a Book of Shadows/Grimoire that has turned my thoughts on the subject completely on its head. I am taking my Witch Journaling in a new direction, and I hope it’s a good one for me.
5. Pleasant New Moon ritual that centered around a new journal for my Witch’s Almanac.
6. The work week is almost over. I’m so ready for it to be over. I desperately need a break from the insanity.
7. That my job is only part-time. I could not imagine dealing with this level of sheer insanity on a full time basis. I’m sure I would have been committed by now if I were dealing with 40+ hours of this a week.
8. That I’ve decided to push my celebration of Mabon (Autumn Equinox) back to Monday, even though it technically occurs tomorrow. I just have too much shit to do in too short of time….and besides…it’ll be 95+ degrees that day anyway. So autumn what? ::laughs:: Autumn doesn’t arrive here until mid to late October.
9. Tiny, tiny sliver of the moon rising in the sky this evening.
10. That thus far this year, I’ve maintained my daily photo and entry. Hard to believe I’ve managed to stick with it this long, but pretty damn impressive if so I say so myself.
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