written: Sept 18th
Photo for today:
Josey is REALLY hoping I won’t take her “mini-blankie” – the scrap of
tiger print blanket beside her. The blanket is in her kennel, and it
is a seriously mangled/loved blanket. ::laughs:: She’s only allowed to
destroy the blankets in her kennel (mostly because we aren’t here to
keep her from destroying them), and thus leaves all the other blankets
in the house alone. ::chuckles::
So Wal-Mart now has Yankee Candles. So dangerous. ::chuckles:: I
did pick up a candle, not Yankee, but cinnamon scented in a nice red
candle holder. Once the candle burns down completely, I plan to make my
own candle in that candle holder. You know, whenever I finally capture
this mythical thing called “free time”. ::chuckles::
Today was all about the reading. I had to read for my Archives &
Manuscripts class. Note to Self: Stop making shit extra hard for this
class. I hunted and hunted through the online university’s library for
this one particular article that I HAD to have for class, to no avail.
Finally, I just typed the article’s full title into Google, and BAM.
There it was, in its entirety! Like, for fuck’s sake, girl! I’ll just
start Googling this shit and be done with my university’s difficult
library search. And damn, did that turn out to be an INTERESTING
article to read!
Ok, so I admit, my opinions on things that are interesting to read,
may not be everyone else’s jam. This particular article “The Archival
Sliver: Power, Memory, & Archives in South Africa” by Verne Harris
was all about the apartheid in South African, and how that
racism/classism pervaded every aspect of their society…including the
archives. And how the archives, based on what records (information)
they kept and what they destroyed, helped shape and bolster the social
memory/narrative, thus bolstering the racism/classism that made up
apartheid. And I can see it mirrored in so many other places. Like,
damn White People!?! Why are we such DICKS?!?! ::shakes her head::
Yay arrogance!
And to leave this entry on a positive note, damn, I love these Texas sunsets:
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