Photo for today:

My rosebush is entering its third blooming cycle. I finally treated it a few weeks back for the rust and spots, and she seems mighty happy now. ::chuckles:: Seems I will have roses on my Mabon altar for sure. She has a dozen or more rose buds coming up.
It’s amazing how much stress I’ve shed by dropping that one class. Like I can breathe again, and joke around with my students. Hell, I was downright jolly at work. ::laughs:: Didn’t stop me from busting Jesse’s chops of a few things and putting my staff through their paces on documentation. But I have HOPE. I feel like I CAN turn this ship around on my campus. I CAN make my aides even better and thus make our work environment better.
So I have two assignments for the Archives class due – my 200 essay on this week’s readings is due Sunday, and a 2-page paper over some archives in the news is due on Monday. I’ve already found the article I’ll be writing over. Now I just have to read it, take notes, and answer the questions the professor has posed and limit that to just 2 pages. ::chuckles::
October brings around another Round of the National Journal Writing Month Challenge. I figure I’ll do that again for sure. And I’m hoping that there will be a new set of Witch photo prompts, like the “Inner Witch October Photo Challenge” #innerwitchoctober that I did last year. But if not, I’ll do that one again. It would be interesting to see how my practice has changed and how my interpretation of the prompts change. ::chuckles::
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