written: Sept 6th
Photo for today:
Josey was “supervising” me as I was uploading photos from my DSLR.
And I thought it would make a great photo, and my camera did not let me
down. It just sucks that to get the photos off the camera, I have to
use my desktop computer, which is why I don’t use my DSLR all that much
anymore. But seeing how good these photos turn out is inspiring me to
do the extra leg work to utilize my Nikon more.
So today is the full moon….and I ain’t doing shit for it. ::sighs::
Class work, Moon Time, and the insanity that is my job right now, means
I have ZERO energy left over for anything else at the moment. Oh, and
what little energy I do have, is being devoured due to a BAD flare up of
seasonal allergies again.
So yeah, no altar was set up for this specific moon. No spell work
will be done. At best, I will simply pause and greet the full moon as
she rises. And looking ahead, I’m not even sure I’ll have the energy to
do something for Mabon, which makes me sad, as it is one of the sabbats
I really enjoy. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get to that point.
Honestly, if I start working on my Mabon ritual, step-by-step, one
task at a time, I should be fine by the time it rolls up on me. And
honestly, other than getting a ritual candle (which I love doing), the
rest is just gathering fall items from the neighborhood. Ok, so now
I’ve managed to talk myself into it, so hopefully that will occur
without too much stress.
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