Photo for today:
I spotted this MONSTER skull at Lowes. I had never thought of Halloween decorations being at Lowes…but then again, until we got a house, I never had any reason to go to Lowes. They had a lot of cool Halloween stuff. I tried to talk the Husband into letting us bring the massive skull. He just had to ask where I would keep it. We have ZERO room in our house. So alas, the skull did not come home with me.
Instead, I bought him a bug zapper as an early birthday gift. Yeah, I’m just THAT romantic. ::laughs:: We are hyper rational when it comes to gifts. ::chuckles:: We figure it’s better to get something “boring” but something you will really use, than to get something “fluffy” that you will never use. I still remember one of my favorite Valentine’s Day gift from the Husband was a new sports bra and a pair of running shoes….both of which I desperately needed as the ones I currently had should have been thrown away the year prior. So yeah, definitely not the most romantic gift ever, but one I was very grateful for all the same.
And while we were at Lowes, I finally picked up the stuff to treat my rosebush. It’s got some “rust” going on and a few insect issues, but this should clear all of that up. And on a total whim, I picked up a bag of daffodil bulbs. I’ll need to see when the best time to plant them is. I plan to plant them in the mud pit in front of our house, where we had the plumbing issue earlier this year. No grass grows there currently. I would LIKE to pick up some stones to do a small border to help retain the potting soil I want to put there BEFORE I plant the daffodils. I’m stupid excited about the prospect of having my own daffodils next spring.
So ya know I was I talking about my knee being back to “normal”? Yeah, I jinxed the SHIT out of that. Today I was in THE worst knee pain I’ve ever been in…including when I tore the meniscus in my left knee. It hurt to bend the knee. It hurt to straighten the knee. It hurt to sit. It hurt to walk. It hurt to lay down. I tried to take a hot salt bath to see if that would help. Yeah, made things worse. I decided to bust out my knee brace, and ended up on my bed, in tears because it hurt so fucking bad. It hurt so bad that I laid there for a while not moving and just crying because I knew that taking the brace off was going to hurt so much worse. Since then I’ve pretty much kept my knee completely straight and the pain has definitely died down, but holy fuck, it’s still bad.
Yeah, so come Tuesday (because Monday is friggin’ Labor Day, so no doctor offices will be open) I am going to set up an appointment to see a damn orthopedic about this. I’m going on THREE WEEKS now of this fucking knee pain and I’m done.

I spotted this MONSTER skull at Lowes. I had never thought of Halloween decorations being at Lowes…but then again, until we got a house, I never had any reason to go to Lowes. They had a lot of cool Halloween stuff. I tried to talk the Husband into letting us bring the massive skull. He just had to ask where I would keep it. We have ZERO room in our house. So alas, the skull did not come home with me.
Instead, I bought him a bug zapper as an early birthday gift. Yeah, I’m just THAT romantic. ::laughs:: We are hyper rational when it comes to gifts. ::chuckles:: We figure it’s better to get something “boring” but something you will really use, than to get something “fluffy” that you will never use. I still remember one of my favorite Valentine’s Day gift from the Husband was a new sports bra and a pair of running shoes….both of which I desperately needed as the ones I currently had should have been thrown away the year prior. So yeah, definitely not the most romantic gift ever, but one I was very grateful for all the same.
And while we were at Lowes, I finally picked up the stuff to treat my rosebush. It’s got some “rust” going on and a few insect issues, but this should clear all of that up. And on a total whim, I picked up a bag of daffodil bulbs. I’ll need to see when the best time to plant them is. I plan to plant them in the mud pit in front of our house, where we had the plumbing issue earlier this year. No grass grows there currently. I would LIKE to pick up some stones to do a small border to help retain the potting soil I want to put there BEFORE I plant the daffodils. I’m stupid excited about the prospect of having my own daffodils next spring.
So ya know I was I talking about my knee being back to “normal”? Yeah, I jinxed the SHIT out of that. Today I was in THE worst knee pain I’ve ever been in…including when I tore the meniscus in my left knee. It hurt to bend the knee. It hurt to straighten the knee. It hurt to sit. It hurt to walk. It hurt to lay down. I tried to take a hot salt bath to see if that would help. Yeah, made things worse. I decided to bust out my knee brace, and ended up on my bed, in tears because it hurt so fucking bad. It hurt so bad that I laid there for a while not moving and just crying because I knew that taking the brace off was going to hurt so much worse. Since then I’ve pretty much kept my knee completely straight and the pain has definitely died down, but holy fuck, it’s still bad.
Yeah, so come Tuesday (because Monday is friggin’ Labor Day, so no doctor offices will be open) I am going to set up an appointment to see a damn orthopedic about this. I’m going on THREE WEEKS now of this fucking knee pain and I’m done.
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