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Adorable little mushroom in my front yard that I spotted when I took Josey out for a walk.
I had a quick nightmare last night, that a red gremlin was coming for me. I even physically reacted, striking out in my sleep as I was waking up. And my first thought was “Fuck you, Sara”. So needless to say, I don’t see us becoming bosom buddies anytime soon. It’s a good thing I sleep alone. Would have sucked to hit my husband or Josey-pup (she probably would have bit me if I’d punched her while she was sleeping – don’t blame her for that possibility). ::chuckles::
Today was an awesome mail day.
My order of blue vervain (herb for a banishing incense I’ll be making soon), my graduation tassel, and my Lazurite stone all arrived today, along with letters from pen pals Wendy and Amanda.
The Lazurite stone ended up being much bigger than I thought it was going to be, but it’s such a lovely blue gray color:

I’m thinking it may go on the Harpies’ side of the altar given its steely-blue coloration reminds me of storm clouds.
JoAnn’s surprise arrived today and she was kind enough to take a video of her opening the package. It was a necklace from Luna Blue Boutique. I’ve had the necklace for a while now, but it didn’t feel like it was MINE. So I was thinking of selling it, but then I had the inspiration to send it to JoAnn instead. And when I was writing down the metaphysical properties of the two stones used to make the necklace, it just seemed like it was meant to go to her. ::smiles::
April’s surprise is being returned to me. I didn’t have her apartment number written on the package (oops!). SO, as soon as it arrives back here, I’ll update the address and mail it again! ::laughs::
AND I found someone on the Sage Goddess Perfume group that was trading a full bottle of the SG Anointing oil I was talking about a while back. She was interested in two of the perfumes I was offering, so I looked back through what she had to trade and she’s also trading a full bottle of III (3). It’s my current go-to perfume oil. So I’m trading a bottle of Sirus and a bottle of Armor for her bottles of III and SG Anointing oil. Just need to package them up and mail them out on Tuesday.
Work was stressful, but not terrible (thank goodness). We were out of the cafeteria completely due to them setting up for the 5th grade awards and graduation ceremony. But thankfully the rains held off and the kiddos were able to go outside. It was hot and muggy and all around gross, but I am so grateful I have staff that will take the students outside. But all the students were picked up early, and I was headed home before 6:20! I typically hang around and do stuff until 6:30, just to get the full pay, but not today. Today I was like FUCK IT, I’m going home! ::laughs::
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