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One of the cards I drew at Class this evening – Thetis from the Goddess Wisdom deck.
We also had our Coven’s Beltane ritual this evening. Now generally speaking, I am not a fan of Beltane. I don’t care for fairies. I don’t care for the overt sexual nature of the sabbat (or at least what it has become in the modern Pagan tradition). But I have to say, this one was awesome.
Luna wrote and performed the ritual. And seriously, I friggin’ adore her. She is from New Orleans and has that “don’t fuck with me, I will end your world” vibe. ::laughs:: She is also a fan of serpents (she had a gorgeous serpent necklace on this evening) and has a “bone witch” vibe to her which just attracts me like a moth to a flame. ::chuckles::
She invoked Gaia and Cernunnos – which was nice, because Cernunnos is one of the very few male deities I work with and one of the ONLY male deities that has stuck around for more than a year or so. On the altar, she had a green 7-day candle for Gaia and a red 7-day candle for Cernunnos. In the cauldron, she had a gold 7-day candle to symbolize their union. To light that one she took two matches and lit one from Gaia’s candle and the other from Cernunnos’ candle, and then used the two matches to light the center candle.
We each pulled a white ribbon from the cauldron. On this ribbon we wrote a few things we want to bring into fruition. And then Luna had created simple Beltane candles for each of us in colors of either red, green, or gold. She got a 7-day candle, and tied a cinnamon stick to it with some fabric along with a single match. With our individual matches, we lit them from the union candle and used it to then light our own Beltane candle. I ended up wrapped my ribbon around the candle so I wouldn’t lose it, and a number of the Coven-mates remarked what a great idea it was and did the same. We are to tie the ribbons to a tree eventually, though, honestly, I may just keep it wrapped around the candle. Or I may wrap it around my spear, if I ever get my new altar cleaned and set up. ::laughs::
The sad news of the day is that this was Azza’s last day with us. She recently started a new job in Austin and just doesn’t have the time to continue with the Coven. I am super bummed that she’s leaving, though thrilled for her new job. She was one of my favorites from the student group.
In other news, I cannot STAND Sara in the student group. She seriously just rubs me the wrong way on a gut level. I have managed to ensure I do not sit next to her during class, but got stuck next to her during ritual. She is just a super attention hog in my opinion and I just do not like her. At all. Like she starts talking and I can feel a snarl growing in my throat – it is just almost instinctual. She speaks and my bullshit meter goes off the charts with her. ::deep breath:: I really am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt here and trying to be more accepting. But tonight, it was everything I could do not just growl at her anytime she even looked my direction.
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