Photo 413/1001
Woohoo, the pink safari hat arrived! ::chuckles:: Enjoy it now, as this is pretty much the only pink thing you will find me wearing anytime soon.
But seriously, it’s a sweet ass hat. But I would get it in khaki or grey. Definitely not pink. ::chuckles::
I spent most of the day working in my Witch’s Journal. I haven’t touched it in AGES – far longer than I care to admit – but logged 10 entries in it today. Guess that Scorpio Full Moon lit a fire under my ass. ::laughs:: I’m working to get it caught up and then to set aside regular time once a week to work in it, so that hopefully I don’t fall this far behind in it again. Wish me luck with that, because I’m amazing as making plans. I just suck so bad at actually following through. ::laughs::
I randomly decided to hit Hobby Lobby. I’m feeling very restless, so I figured I would do the least amount of damage to my finances at Hobby Lobby. I’m super picky with my crafting supplies, so unless it’s damn near perfect, I won’t buy it. So with that said, I came home with a strand of Larvikite beads (I know, I swear I’m addicted to that stone) and a strand of Labradorite chips – both were on sale, so I paid less for the two strands than the Larvikite beads originally cost (less than $7 for both). Woohoo for me! I’m planning to use these when I create the Harpies’ charm/ladder/devotional thing. I seriously need to come up with a better name for it. ::laughs:: I just don’t know what to call it. Maybe once I make it, I’ll figure out what to call it. Or I’ll just keep calling it the charm/ladder thing (far more likely).
Tomorrow is Coven class and full moon ritual. I’m looking forward to it (other than being around Sara). I’m trying to tell myself to be less judgmental and more accepting. I’m trying to extend to her the same courtesy that I would want to receive. But, man, I’m struggling really hard with that. I don’t like the fact that the first impression you give me is almost impossible to change, or that once I’ve decided how I feel about you, that’s it. There’s no going back, there’s no do over, there’s almost never a way to change my mind (be it good or bad – I’ve been way too forgiving of Toxic Friends/Lovers in the past). I dunno. Maybe I should listen to my gut on this one and just avoid her. Maybe my gut is telling me something is very off about this particular woman and that I need to stay far away from her. She does seem to be a drama magnet and thrives being the center of attention – the polar opposite of myself. Hmmm.
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