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So we went to Wal-Mart to pick up some things for his coworker John. Apparently John had a EPICALLY shitty birthday (his grandmother, who lived with him, died suddenly), and David told him screw the actual birth DAY, just celebrate it when he can, the way he wants to. And so we ended up at Wal-Mart at 10 pm, picking up things to make John’s birthday better. We ended up with a Minion’s birthday card, that when you open it, it plays the Minion’s singing what I assume to be “Happy Birthday” in Minion-talk. ::laughs:: I found that gem. And David picked up a stuffed dog for John and a hot wheels version of the Batmobile. ::chuckles:: And we saw the Godzilla, so of course I picked it up. David ended up buying it for me when he saw how giddy happy I was to have it. ::chuckles:: I seriously have a truly amazing husband.
So yeah, I was a shitty employee today and took the day off. Fuck it, I needed a mental break from the kiddos’ insanity AND I needed to work on my final assignments. I got the final paper written for the Practicum class AND turned it in, so that class is now 100% officially done. I got to looking at the final paper for the Resource Management class. Fuck me, that bitch is going to be a good 20 plus pages long. Shoot me now! BUT, at least it brings together everything I have covered in my previous papers, so I am expected to pull the bulk of the info from those – so the bulk of the leg work is already done. But, I HATED writing those damn papers and I have ZERO desire to go back over them and rewrite them. ::dramatic sigh:: But I will do it because I’ve got to pass this damn class. And yes, I did the math and I have to pull at least a C on this paper to keep a B overall in the class. ::chuckles::
Oh, and I had the most VIVID and AWESOME Walpurgis Night based dream last night. Walpurgis Night occurs the night before May Day, also called Beltane. It’s a night when Witches travel the country side, there are tons of bonfires, and then leads into Beltane. It’s less sex based and more Witch power based (in my opinion). And the dream fit into that so beautifully. I’m still mulling it over and turning key points over in my head. It’s one of those dreams that dominated the entire night, that everything fit into the core story line, and that I woke up KNOWING I had talked to a god (and yes, a MALE deity at that).
P.S. Godzilla isn’t “that” big. It’s a lovely “forced perspective” shot. He’s about a foot tall and almost two feet long.
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