written: May 17
Photo 412/1001
My basil boy and his little baby.
I mailed out the two packages. They should arrive on Monday. Super excited about that.
Saw the news earlier today that Tardar Sauce, aka Grumpy Cat, passed
away today. Rest in peace dear, Grumpy Cat. You gave us so many
amazing memes over the years. We will always be grateful for that.
I turned in two of my Coven assignments. Woohoo for me. I just have
about 14 more assignments to do and then I’m all caught up. ::laughs::
I don’t think it’s quite 14, but I am seriously behind. REALLY behind
on my assignments.
Since I’m going to be at my Mom’s house Memorial Day weekend – I’m
babysitting her two puppers – I am hoping I can get a lot of the
assignments done then. ::chuckles:: I’ve done most of the readings
already, so really, I just need to apply my butt to the chair and write
up the assignments.
Hilarious thing at work – I had told Everett (student) at the
beginning of the year, that if he killed 10 flies, I would buy him a
safari hat. Well, he finally killed fly #9 and #10 today. So I hopped
on Amazon and looked up safari hats. He requested a pretty cool one in
PINK. Granted, this is the student that during the colder months, would
rummage through lost and found specifically to find a pink sweater or
sweatshirt to wear. He likes it because it’s hilarious. And the more
the kids scoffed about him wearing pink, the more he wore it.
So I rushed home and called my Mom and told her I had an unusual
request for her. I would send her the link for the pink safari hat and I
needed her to buy it using her Amazon Prime, so we could get it asap.
::laughs:: I should have the hat TOMORROW! Everett is going to be so
excited on Monday!
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