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It has arrived! My resin crow skull from the Five Forges in Italy arrived today and it is gorgeous! And the black feather they attached to it is just perfect. This is exactly what I had in mind to use for the Harpies’ Ladder. Now’s, it’s just a matter of deciding if I’m going to stain the rose cane pieces or paint them or what. And then cutting them the size I want and laying out the beads in a manner I like. Then, just gotta string it all together and hang it up! ::smiles::
And I finally heard back from the Furriers – they’ll be able to do the 10 slices of moose antler no problem. This is the photo they sent me to make sure the 10 were what I was wanting:

Now I’m just waiting for them to create the private listing, and purchase! It’s a little bit more expensive than I was hoping, but not terrible.
So today was the first day back at the Summer Tech Job. Man that 7 am came wayyyyy too early for my tastes. ::laughs:: And then it was a very boring day, so that didn’t help my sleepiness one bit. But hey, I won’t complain. I got quite a bit of journaling done. And I know the crazy days will soon be upon me, so I’m enjoying a quiet, boring day, that I’m getting paid to just sit around.
My oil trade with Corinne W. arrived today. I traded my bottles of Sirius and Armor for her bottles of III (Three) and the ultra-rare Sage Goddess Anointing oil. Woohoo! I am stoked to now have back up bottles of both of those oils, as they are my favorites. So, so happy. ::smiles::
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