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Hmmm, this doesn’t look like my order for a smoky quartz palm stone from Sage Goddess. At first, I thought maybe someone had bought this for me…but it’s the same tracking code as my “smoky quartz palm stone”. But this is clearly NOT that. Instead, this is the “Shamanic Journey Trio”. So I’ve reached out to Sage Goddess to let them know they screwed up an order. But I’m telling ya right now, I will not be paying for the shipping to send this package back. That Leopard Skin Jasper sphere is HEAVY.
So fun times at work. I got paid for an hour of sitting in the “safe zone” hallway during a Tornado Warning. Other than that, it was just scanning and tagging projectors. I got 146 done today, even with the hour of paid hallway time. Lots of rain and thunder and some high winds, but the tornadoes didn’t touch down in my city. I’ve heard reports of tornadoes in other nearby cities, but haven’t heard anything official.
In happier news, I finally got my special order of moose antlers set up AND paid for today! Woohoo! So…progress. Yay! Just waiting for them to ship the antlers. Still chomping at the bit here. I want to get started on this project and yet, I’m still waiting on all the supplies! ::sighs::
I think I may have figured out what I’ll do for the god artwork….though, I need to watch some beading and/or quilling videos just to make sure. I’m thinking of beading (or quilling) a deer silhouette on green leather that I would then hang from an elk spike antler. I would tell the Coven/High Priestess it was my god artwork, but once I got it home and hung up in my sacred space, it would be for Elen of the Ways or any of the other antlered female spirits.
Once again, the Satanic Temple is doing the Good Work. They’ve officially announced that Indiana’s law that you have to bury or cremate fetus remains goes against their religious freedom. They’ve even published a template letter for people to fill out and give to their doctors to exempt them from this law. And a huge congrats to the Satanic Temple finally gaining its IRS-approved religious organization recognition.

Hmmm, this doesn’t look like my order for a smoky quartz palm stone from Sage Goddess. At first, I thought maybe someone had bought this for me…but it’s the same tracking code as my “smoky quartz palm stone”. But this is clearly NOT that. Instead, this is the “Shamanic Journey Trio”. So I’ve reached out to Sage Goddess to let them know they screwed up an order. But I’m telling ya right now, I will not be paying for the shipping to send this package back. That Leopard Skin Jasper sphere is HEAVY.
So fun times at work. I got paid for an hour of sitting in the “safe zone” hallway during a Tornado Warning. Other than that, it was just scanning and tagging projectors. I got 146 done today, even with the hour of paid hallway time. Lots of rain and thunder and some high winds, but the tornadoes didn’t touch down in my city. I’ve heard reports of tornadoes in other nearby cities, but haven’t heard anything official.
In happier news, I finally got my special order of moose antlers set up AND paid for today! Woohoo! So…progress. Yay! Just waiting for them to ship the antlers. Still chomping at the bit here. I want to get started on this project and yet, I’m still waiting on all the supplies! ::sighs::
I think I may have figured out what I’ll do for the god artwork….though, I need to watch some beading and/or quilling videos just to make sure. I’m thinking of beading (or quilling) a deer silhouette on green leather that I would then hang from an elk spike antler. I would tell the Coven/High Priestess it was my god artwork, but once I got it home and hung up in my sacred space, it would be for Elen of the Ways or any of the other antlered female spirits.
Once again, the Satanic Temple is doing the Good Work. They’ve officially announced that Indiana’s law that you have to bury or cremate fetus remains goes against their religious freedom. They’ve even published a template letter for people to fill out and give to their doctors to exempt them from this law. And a huge congrats to the Satanic Temple finally gaining its IRS-approved religious organization recognition.