Photo of the day:
Beautiful lilies blooming in the neighborhood I spotted on my walk with Josey today. Lilies are my absolute favorite flower.
I am grateful…
1. Finding a dollar on the floor at work that allowed me to purchase a much desired rice crispy treat from the vending machine.
2. Josey looking forward to her walks so much that I just cannot wuss out of them. She won’t let me. ::laughs::
3. The work week is almost over. I am so fucking ready for the weekend. I need a break from my students so badly right now.
4. Gorgeous, first sliver of the moon gracing the western horizon this evening. Makes my little Pagan heart so happy.
5. Cooler weather and rainstorms throughout the week. And that we’re supposed to have more this weekend.
6. Cake in a mug! I tried the blueberry muffin earlier today and it’s pretty damn good. Especially for something that takes a little over a minute to make.
7. My life – with all its ups and downs and twists and turns. I am grateful for the way its unfolding in a manner that fits me.
8. That the 5th graders were gone today for a VERY LONG field trip. It was nice to start the work day with 8 students already gone. ::chuckles::
9. Haven’t encountered any more roaming free dogs on our walks. I will be grateful for that each time Josey and I go for a walk and don’t have to worry about them.
10. The modern wonder of allergy medicine! That’s the only way I’ve survived this allergy season thus far without clawing out my eyes. I seriously fucking HATE allergies.
So yeah, we’ve got a bit of rain over the past few days and it’s really dropped the temperature here. Earlier today, when I took Josey for a walk, I had to wear a light sweatshirt. And even then, I was a little chilly. It won’t last for long, so I’m enjoying the shit out of it for now! ::laughs::
So much to do this weekend. I need to set up for Beltane (occurs on May 1st but knowing me, I’ll celebrate it a few days later). And I need to pick up various craft supplies for work. Oh, and spray in hair color. Two students are planning to do my hair as soon as I get the green and the orange sprays. ::laughs:: And if we’re going to put all those mason jars to use (making galaxy mason jars), I need to grab some glitter. ::shudders:: I hate glitter. And I need to pick up the gel food coloring. It gets mixed in with Modge Podge (which I’ve already purchased) and you paint the inside of the mason jar with it. THEN I will bring the mason jars home and bake them in my oven to set the color permanently. And THEN I need to put in my purchase order request at work so I don’t have to buy the flameless tea lights that will go inside the mason jars before I sent them home with the student that painted that particular one. WHEW! Man, I’m tired just writing all of that out! ::laughs:: I just hope the galaxy mason jars turn out half-way decent. Wish me luck!
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