written: April 8th
Photo of the day:
My tumbled red rutilated quartz stone from Sage Goddess.
It’s supposed to be good for depression, so I plan to carry it in my
pocket for the next week and see how it works for me. If nothing else,
it is a pretty stone. ::smiles:: And if it does help? Excellent.
My newest actor crush is Theo James, who plays Tobias “Four” Eaton in Divergent.
Like, sweet baby cheesus – so friggin’ hot. He reminds me of Antonio
Sabato, Jr, who I had The Biggest Crush on throughout middle school.
But holy hell, Divergent was kind of hard to watch. The
thought of a future where you have to pigeon-hole yourself into one of
Four Factions? Hell no. Of course, watching it, you have to wonder
where you would fit.
And the scenes of Tris (played by Shailene Woodley) getting beat the
fuck down by male aggressors? It made my skin crawl and made me almost
sick. But I’m turning that around and using it to fuel why I am wanting
to get in shape. I need a decent cardio so I can survive the Krav Maga
classes I really want to sign up for and test out this summer.
I want to be able to protect myself against any aggressor. I
am done being timid and afraid. I will never again be cowed like I was
in the past. And if someone does still manage to subdue me? I want it
to be an extremely hard victory for them. They may be able to beat me,
but the motherfuckers will KNOW they were in a fucking fight. It will
leave scars on them as well, and make them think twice about coming at
me ever again.
So yeah, my motives for taking Krav Maga are 100% selfish. They are
100% for ME. Hopefully it will allow me to finally exorcise and purge
those old Demons. Once and for all. I need that. I deserve that.
THAT is what I am working towards. Striving for. THAT is what I wish to achieve.
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