Photo of the day:
Josey has taken to climbing up into my computer chair with me here recently. There really isn’t any room for her in my computer chair…but that sure as shit doesn’t stop her from trying. ::laughs::
So no puppy following us home today on this walk. Other than a few extra people being out doing yard work or moving, the walk was nice and quiet. And other than Josey wanting to greet said people, she did really well on the walk. And given how she used to attempt to drag me down the street to greet people, she’s does very well now. She only attempts to drag me to people if they are within six feet of us. Lemme tell you, this is A MAJOR improvement. ::chuckles::
I also make it a point to remain completely hidden when the post man came ‘round. ::chuckles:: As much as I would love to just sit and gaze at him, I had all sorts of wonderfully entertaining fantasies about him last night that I’m sure if I had come face to face with him, I would have died of embarrassment. ::dies laughing:: Besides, I did not need any more lustful ideas filling my head today. I had a paper to write and I needed my focus to be there and not on my hot lil Latino. ::chuckles::
Well, I did get my paper written. All 1600 words of it. WHEW! I just have four more assignments – three little essays and a terminology quiz and then I am done with the Preservation class. And just three more essays and the final project due for the Management class. After that, I am done with this damn semester for school! Woohoo! Can’t wait.
And, since we are counting down here, just 31 days left in the after school program and then it’s out for the summer. Oh, and on that topic, I got the most amazing news about next year. The student whose grandmother is a fucking BEAR about the stupidest shit? Grandma is retiring this year, so that student won’t be in my after school program next year! I don’t have a problem with the student, but that grandmother? Total massive CUNT. I will be so happy to never deal with that grandmother ever again.
A relative of mine posted a Christian quote that I’ve been wanting to write my rebuttal to. I just haven’t had the time yet. And I’m being nice and waiting until after Easter as well. ::chuckles:: Even though I will never share what I write with 90% of my relatives, I feel it would be in poor taste to share my thoughts and rebuttal at this time. I can wait a few days until after Easter. ::shrugs:: I don’t have any hatred towards Christianity itself. I just cannot, and will not, tolerate the hate and fear-mongering some branches of Christianity spout.
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