Photo of the day:

MY POPPLE! Even though it’s pink, and I mostly hate pink, I absolutely and utterly adore my Popple.
Ok, fair warning. This is going to be ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE.
I got up “early” today (9 am) and headed over to my general doctor’s office. Back in December, my Gyno put me on a thyroid medication because my thyroid levels were “slightly” low. So I’ve been taking this damn pill religiously for the past few months and they finally sent papers to me to go get my blood tested up here (so I wouldn’t have to drive all the way back to my Lil Hometown to visit my Gyno). So, that brings us up to today.
I go see Dr. O. And we realize it’s been YEARS since I last saw her because most of the time, I’m pretty damn healthy. ::shrugs:: So we got to talking about the thyroid medicine and I was talking about how I had seen ZERO improvement. Which led to us discussing the “symptoms”…which is basically how I’ve been most of my life. Headaches, some hair loss (hello long hair…and everyone I know sheds like crazy as well), and dry skin (totally have NOT been taking care of myself recently, so that can be explained). But none of those “symptoms” are any different from my standard level, and with me being very close to the “normal” range of the thyroid, Dr. O. and I decided I’m going off it. She said to come back in August and we’d test then. That also gives me time to get copies of my thyroid test from December to bring in as a baseline. And she told me if I do begin seeing real symptoms (any of the above, but definitely WORSE than my “normal”) by all means, give her a call and we’d draw blood and test it then.
I either need to STOP taking naps on the couch….or I need to time that shit to sync up for when my husband gets home from work. Holy cow, do I have some seriously CRAZY yet VIVID as hell sex dreams when I nap on that couch. ::fans herself:: Seriously. I take an hour nap on that couch, I need a cigarette and a shower afterwards! ::cackles::
In other news, got weighed at the doctor’s office. I knew it was going to be bad, but I didn’t realize I’d made it back up to 200 pounds. Granted, I’m friggin’ 6 feet tall, so I’m not HORRIBLY over-weight, but I feel my best when I’m around 160 to 170. ::sighs:: I really need to get my act together on that shit. I am walking Josey every day, so that’s a 20 – 30 minute cardio walk. And then I’m trying to get my butt on the elliptical for 20 minutes twice a week right now. But I know it’s most due to the CRAP I eat. ::grumbles:: Why can’t they make delicious yet HEALTHY poptarts? I mean, come on! We’ve put people on the goddamn moon, why are delicious yet healthy poptarts not a thing already?!?!
Sooooo, I’m kicking around the idea of doing the Whole 30 Foods thing. I have a few friends who have done it and rave about it, so maybe I should look into it? Honestly, I just need to start cooking REAL food and leave the highly processed crap out. And I need to drink a shit ton more water. Because I don’t drink that hardly at all. ::she says as she’s drinking coffee::
So on the education front:
Management class – I only have THREE assignments left. Sweet baby cheeses (sounds like Jesus, but is slightly less offensive)! I can’t wait for this damn class to be over and done with. No more management classes unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! Currently holding steady at a 97 for the class.
Preservation class – I only have 5 assignments left. I’m currently holding steady at a 95 for the class.
So all in all, not too shabby at this moment. ::laughs:: And I’ve got to figure out what classes I’ll be taking next semester. Honestly, I should probably map out what I want the next 3 semesters to look like (I’m pretty sure that’s all I have left and then I have to tackle the End Of Course Essays of Death and Destruction – totally warning you now. That week that I have to complete the EOCs…..I will mostly drop off the face of the earth so I can focus SOLELY on those essays. Seriously, if I don’t pass the EOCs…I don’t get my damn degree).
MY POPPLE! Even though it’s pink, and I mostly hate pink, I absolutely and utterly adore my Popple.
Ok, fair warning. This is going to be ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE.
I got up “early” today (9 am) and headed over to my general doctor’s office. Back in December, my Gyno put me on a thyroid medication because my thyroid levels were “slightly” low. So I’ve been taking this damn pill religiously for the past few months and they finally sent papers to me to go get my blood tested up here (so I wouldn’t have to drive all the way back to my Lil Hometown to visit my Gyno). So, that brings us up to today.
I go see Dr. O. And we realize it’s been YEARS since I last saw her because most of the time, I’m pretty damn healthy. ::shrugs:: So we got to talking about the thyroid medicine and I was talking about how I had seen ZERO improvement. Which led to us discussing the “symptoms”…which is basically how I’ve been most of my life. Headaches, some hair loss (hello long hair…and everyone I know sheds like crazy as well), and dry skin (totally have NOT been taking care of myself recently, so that can be explained). But none of those “symptoms” are any different from my standard level, and with me being very close to the “normal” range of the thyroid, Dr. O. and I decided I’m going off it. She said to come back in August and we’d test then. That also gives me time to get copies of my thyroid test from December to bring in as a baseline. And she told me if I do begin seeing real symptoms (any of the above, but definitely WORSE than my “normal”) by all means, give her a call and we’d draw blood and test it then.
I either need to STOP taking naps on the couch….or I need to time that shit to sync up for when my husband gets home from work. Holy cow, do I have some seriously CRAZY yet VIVID as hell sex dreams when I nap on that couch. ::fans herself:: Seriously. I take an hour nap on that couch, I need a cigarette and a shower afterwards! ::cackles::
In other news, got weighed at the doctor’s office. I knew it was going to be bad, but I didn’t realize I’d made it back up to 200 pounds. Granted, I’m friggin’ 6 feet tall, so I’m not HORRIBLY over-weight, but I feel my best when I’m around 160 to 170. ::sighs:: I really need to get my act together on that shit. I am walking Josey every day, so that’s a 20 – 30 minute cardio walk. And then I’m trying to get my butt on the elliptical for 20 minutes twice a week right now. But I know it’s most due to the CRAP I eat. ::grumbles:: Why can’t they make delicious yet HEALTHY poptarts? I mean, come on! We’ve put people on the goddamn moon, why are delicious yet healthy poptarts not a thing already?!?!
Sooooo, I’m kicking around the idea of doing the Whole 30 Foods thing. I have a few friends who have done it and rave about it, so maybe I should look into it? Honestly, I just need to start cooking REAL food and leave the highly processed crap out. And I need to drink a shit ton more water. Because I don’t drink that hardly at all. ::she says as she’s drinking coffee::
So on the education front:
Management class – I only have THREE assignments left. Sweet baby cheeses (sounds like Jesus, but is slightly less offensive)! I can’t wait for this damn class to be over and done with. No more management classes unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! Currently holding steady at a 97 for the class.
Preservation class – I only have 5 assignments left. I’m currently holding steady at a 95 for the class.
So all in all, not too shabby at this moment. ::laughs:: And I’ve got to figure out what classes I’ll be taking next semester. Honestly, I should probably map out what I want the next 3 semesters to look like (I’m pretty sure that’s all I have left and then I have to tackle the End Of Course Essays of Death and Destruction – totally warning you now. That week that I have to complete the EOCs…..I will mostly drop off the face of the earth so I can focus SOLELY on those essays. Seriously, if I don’t pass the EOCs…I don’t get my damn degree).
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