Photo of the day:

Interesting handwritten notes (there are driving directions written on the back) I found on a sheet of paper in the back of “A Witch Alone” book. I like finding handwritten things like these. They were obviously somewhat important to someone. They took the time to write it all out.
Seeing things like this makes me want to go back to handwriting a journal again. Maybe that’s what I’ll do for the next NaJoWriMo challenge (National Journal Writing Month)? Or maybe I’ll get my butt in gear and really start working on my Grimoire once more.
All I have left in this semester is to finish up the Final Project for my Management Class – I’m a third of the way through, having written my “management philosophy statement”. And I’ve come up with three positions that I just need to write up job descriptions for. And THEN I can tackle the budget thing. And THEN I will be done!
I have the bulk of my altar set up for Beltane (which occurs tomorrow). I just need to clip the roses I will use for my altar and finalize my ritual ideas into a workable action plan. And then it will be ritual time! I need it. The spirit restlessness has started kicking up again.
Interesting handwritten notes (there are driving directions written on the back) I found on a sheet of paper in the back of “A Witch Alone” book. I like finding handwritten things like these. They were obviously somewhat important to someone. They took the time to write it all out.
Seeing things like this makes me want to go back to handwriting a journal again. Maybe that’s what I’ll do for the next NaJoWriMo challenge (National Journal Writing Month)? Or maybe I’ll get my butt in gear and really start working on my Grimoire once more.
All I have left in this semester is to finish up the Final Project for my Management Class – I’m a third of the way through, having written my “management philosophy statement”. And I’ve come up with three positions that I just need to write up job descriptions for. And THEN I can tackle the budget thing. And THEN I will be done!
I have the bulk of my altar set up for Beltane (which occurs tomorrow). I just need to clip the roses I will use for my altar and finalize my ritual ideas into a workable action plan. And then it will be ritual time! I need it. The spirit restlessness has started kicking up again.