Photo 558/1001

A beautiful nearly-full moon rising just before a massive cold front brought in some truly BEAUTIFUL storms. We dropped a good 30 degrees and had the most beautiful lightning show before the rains hit. I just hope the poor Plumbago plant survives it. I should probably move it indoors soon. But if it doesn’t make it, I’ll snag another from my brother and do a better job keeping it safe. ::chuckles::
It was a rough day at work. Meltdown kiddo had the most epic, and long-lasting meltdown. Non-stop sobbing to the point of gagging for 2+ hours. I finally had enough and called his mom. Thankfully she was only 10 minutes away. And then the BIC kiddo was having a mean day. Just being a total turd to the younger students the entire time. ::shakes her head:: But we got a sub today, Donavan, who was flat out AMAZING with the meltdown kiddo. Seriously, he got the kid to stop crying three different times (yeah, tons of meltdowns). I wrote to Esmeralda, singing this guy’s praises and told her we would HAPPILY take him anytime he’s available and we are in need of a sub. Seriously, just friggin’ AWESOME.
I did make note of what he did with the meltdown kiddo and hopefully can replicate it in the future, when we need it. And I’ll be teaching it to the rest of the staff as well, so they can step in and help out as well. And I really need to get on the ball (and stay on it) until I can get my meeting(s) with the Special Ed department. I know that the BIC kiddo is the only one with a behavioral plan in place, but I know quite a few of my other kiddos have modifications for special ed. I need to find those out and report those back to my boss to hopefully get us some more help. And I definitely want to learn any tricks the Spec Ed teachers have found for working with my students. I’m just so damn worn out and stressed out at the end of each day…even if it goes well. Because I’m on high alert all the time because I never know what will set one of my kiddos off.
In non-work-bitching news, I’ve begun sketching out my Bullet Journal that I will be keeping in 2020. Originally, I had planned to start it in November, but suddenly became very attached to my current planner (one of the monthly planners from Barnes & Nobel) and really want to finish out the year in it. ::chuckles:: I have no clue why I’m suddenly attached to it and want to finish it completely out, but I’m rolling with it.
I saw a YouTube video of a lady that does the full monthly layouts in the front of her bullet journal instead of a future log and that really resonated with me. I like the big monthly layouts so I can fully see what is happening when. I do plan to do a future log for 2021 (for those yearly doctor appointments and what not). And honestly, I’m loving the idea of creating something that is solely mine. Granted, it is a bit of a pain in the ass to draw out all the monthly grids, but it’s also a good Zen time for me. And while I would LOVE to create those beautiful artistic Bullet Journals, I think for now, I’m going to stick with minimalist. I just want to figure out if the system will work for me or not. If it does, then I can look into adding some doodles and sketches later on.
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