Photo 92/1001

The beginnings of a cottontail rabbit wallow in the side yard. I don’t understand why Alfred wants his wallow there, where Josey gleefully chases him anytime he shows up. He has the backyard, which is Josey free. ::shrugs:: I don’t understand bunny logic.
So I changed the settings on my FB posts now to keep them hidden from Paula. While I wish I could set ALL of my posts (including past-posts) to keep her out, but I think she would notice that. ::chuckles:: So this is the next best thing. It shouldn’t tip her off, but also keep her out of my business. And when I look through the memories section of my FB, I see she’s been making random, off-hand comments for a while now. Guess it just had to cumulate before I could recognize it. But, limiting what she can see and how she can interact with me has already lifted quite the weight off my shoulders.
July is a new round of the National Journal Writing Month challenge. This round, I’ve decided to go back to handwriting a journal. I picked up a composition notebook for this challenge. I went, hoping to pick up a new planner, but they didn’t have the one I wanted and I’m being super picky on this shit for some reason. But then, I couldn’t just leave the store without buying anything, so I picked up a composition notebook. Weird how my anxiety will show itself sometimes. ::chuckles::
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