Photo 107/1001

This is the composition notebook that I’m currently doing my NaJoWriMo (National Journal Writing Month) challenge in. I’m not paying for the prompts or following his theme, so am I actually doing NaJoWriMo? I say I am, because I’m making a conscious effort to do MORE journaling, especially by hand, this month, but that’s about all I have in common with NaJoWriMo now. I never was very good at following the herd. ::chuckles:: I do well up to a point, and then I’m off on my own adventure – the herd left in the dust.
Crushing evening depression smothered me today. It came out of left field and hit like a ton of bricks.
Doesn’t help that David has so much more on his plate at work, and thus is working even longer hours. And when he actually IS at home, he’s so exhausted, he just eats and passes out watching tv. By that point, I’ve had about 4 hours or so of downtime and am ready to socialize with my husband.
Doesn’t help that I’m all ready to start ramping up our sex life again…and he’s over there passed the fuck out. Doesn’t help that I work around a handful of really attractive men – lean, beards, tattoos, amazing smiles, funny wit, etc. And it really doesn’t help that said men seem to go out of their way to chat with me (like coming all the way over into my side of the warehouse to do nothing but talk to me). ::shakes her head::
Hubs is seriously lucky that I’m such a deeply loyal creature. So while it’s fun to fantasize…I probably would never cheat on him.
But damn it, I need some attention over here! My tubes are tied. I don’t have periods now. So I need some damn LOVING OVER HERE FUCKING STAT!
At the rate we are going…I’m going to pounce him and just have my fucking way with him…or else, I’m going to pounce one of those coworkers.
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