Photo 108/1001

One of 325 Apple TVs I labeled today. Just 394 left to go!
I actually had a good day today working with Mike B. He’s the tech that laid into Tommy (my campus tech) for constantly interjecting into other people’s conversations AND being a fucking Debbie Downer EVERY DAMN TIME.
There for a while it was just Mike and I in the warehouse, knocking these Apple TVs out and we actually had a really nice, long-ish conversation.
And then I’m pretty sure he was testing the waters to see if I was single. ::laughs:: We were talking about food because he’s hyper healthy right now. And he was talking about how John (one of the other Techs) had a “lady friend” to cook for him. But Mike didn’t have that, and was having to cook everything himself. There was a pause before he nonchalantly asked “So…do you like to cook?” And most of the time, I tell myself people aren’t hitting on me or flirting with me, but given how he does NOT do small talk at all…this was pretty clear. Had to break it to the guy that I’m married.
Even if I wasn’t….he reminds me so much of my father that it would just be fucking creepy. ::laughs:: Mike is tall and lean, with a lot of facial features that remind me of my dad. So yeah, that would be a big nugatory in my book.
And toss in that he’s apparently kind-of-stalking someone right now…yeah, I don’t want to invite that into my life. We can work together, but it will never go beyond that, in any realm.
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