Photo 102/1001

A Josey doughnut! Gods, my dog is so damn cute during my lunch break. Makes me really not want to go back to work.
Tommy completely and utterly bitched out today. He ended up wrapping his wrist in an ace bandage and showing it off to anyone and everyone who even glanced in his direction. We finished up the laptops this morning and then moved on to computer monitors. They aren’t heavy, but they are bulky. He was moving so slowly in getting the tags stuck to the monitors, that I stepped in and started helping out. This little BITCH BOY steps back and just watches me do his damn job. He says “Wow, you are so much faster than I am at this”. Like are you fucking kidding me? I turned around and snapped at him, “Well, you know what makes it go faster? If TWO people are working on it. So just because you suck at it, doesn’t mean you aren’t going to still do the work.” He opted to go to lunch at that point.
I was angry for a while, but found a different perspective. This is my time to shine. I don’t need any stinking males to help me out with my job. I can do this job on my own. I can unpack the pallets. I can open, scan, tag, and rebox these monitors. And I can move them to a new pallet. All on my own. Like a motherfucking BOSS.
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