Photo 89/1001

Rose buds. I think this is blooming Round #3? I have kind of lost count now. I really need to retreat her for black-spot and fertilize her again.
I am thankful…
1. A nice pay raise at the Summer Tech Job. Thank all that is holy for that!
2. Roses are blooming, and the crepe myrtle is doing beautifully well.
3. The Spartan Mosquito eradicators seem to be doing a damn good job keeping the mosquito population down in our yard. I will certainly be buying it again for next year and setting it up in March (which is when they recommend we put them out for our area).
4. Good, quick check up appointment with my gyno. Everything checks out from my ablation procedure. Hurray!
5. All the amazing eye-candy I had at work this week. I hope it continues. ::chuckles and winks::
6. Hazel igniting my desire to do a new initiation and a new name to celebrate my new change in life (aka, no more periods for me).
7. Seeing interesting wildlife during my trip to my gyno and back – saw prairie dogs and elk this time around.
8. Beautiful Full Moon.
9. Really coming into greater confidence in my path and my practice. ::smiles::
10. Catching up with another former students’ mom (I had all three of her children in my after school program). She says that Sam (her son, and the youngest) is always asking to come up and visit me at the after school program. I told her by all means, tell him to come visit. He was another one of my favorites and I love having him come visit.
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