Photo 85
After an entire year since they were rudely torn up due to a busted water pipe, it seems my Wandering Jew plant is making a comeback. Yay! So when I water the iris plants, I make sure this little guy gets some water as well.
I’ve been in a funky head space for a few days now. Mostly pondering some shit that went down at work on Thursday with a male coworker who has ZERO filter. It’s like every little thought that goes through his head, he says it out loud with zero thought as to how it will be received. And talking to the other two high schoolers working with us that day, apparently this is just par for the course for this one. ::shakes her head::
I’m also in a highly confrontational mood. ::sighs:: Honestly, I am spending too much time on Facebook and I just can’t stomach the New Horrible Things ™ our government is doing. And I can’t stomach the reactions to it that people are sharing, bold as brass. I really just need to take a break from it all.
I finished reading An Exorcist Tells His Story, by Gabriele Amorth. Apparently, from his interactions with witches and sorcerers over in Italy, that is THE PLACE to make some serious money. He claims that our simple charms for health and luck, Italians will pay $5k MINIMUM for them! Shit, if that’s true, I need to go visit for like 2 months and I can get myself completely out of debt! And apparently “African or Brazilian Witch Doctors” (his terminology) in Italy outnumber Italians like 4 to 1, so I can only imagine how easy it would be to find a teacher of those arts there in Italy, as I’m selling my simple charms and magick for $5k. Interesting that in the heart of the Catholic empire, that’s where witchcraft is apparently doing BOOMING business. ::chuckles::
Speaking of witchcraft – I didn’t do shit for Litha (Summer Solstice). I had vague ideas to do something, but it never manifested. And honestly, I really like my blue altar cloth and didn’t want to swap it out for something fiery at this time. And, even more honestly, I was too lazy to do so. I really need to remind myself that I don’t actually have to DO anything. It’s not like I follow the pagan Wheel of the Year mythos at all. Instead, I should take those holy days as a day to reconnect with the natural cycles of the earth and my own life.
Full moon is coming up (Thursday). If nothing else, I would like to do some Oracle card reading. I really do like my Jade Oracle card deck. Maybe I can get together with Hazel and do a reading for her as well? She tends to do the readings most of the time – ok, she’s ALWAYS done the readings. ::laughs:: Hopefully, we can get together and just hang out if nothing else. I kind of feel like I’m just spinning my wheels, spiritually, at the moment.

After an entire year since they were rudely torn up due to a busted water pipe, it seems my Wandering Jew plant is making a comeback. Yay! So when I water the iris plants, I make sure this little guy gets some water as well.
I’ve been in a funky head space for a few days now. Mostly pondering some shit that went down at work on Thursday with a male coworker who has ZERO filter. It’s like every little thought that goes through his head, he says it out loud with zero thought as to how it will be received. And talking to the other two high schoolers working with us that day, apparently this is just par for the course for this one. ::shakes her head::
I’m also in a highly confrontational mood. ::sighs:: Honestly, I am spending too much time on Facebook and I just can’t stomach the New Horrible Things ™ our government is doing. And I can’t stomach the reactions to it that people are sharing, bold as brass. I really just need to take a break from it all.
I finished reading An Exorcist Tells His Story, by Gabriele Amorth. Apparently, from his interactions with witches and sorcerers over in Italy, that is THE PLACE to make some serious money. He claims that our simple charms for health and luck, Italians will pay $5k MINIMUM for them! Shit, if that’s true, I need to go visit for like 2 months and I can get myself completely out of debt! And apparently “African or Brazilian Witch Doctors” (his terminology) in Italy outnumber Italians like 4 to 1, so I can only imagine how easy it would be to find a teacher of those arts there in Italy, as I’m selling my simple charms and magick for $5k. Interesting that in the heart of the Catholic empire, that’s where witchcraft is apparently doing BOOMING business. ::chuckles::
Speaking of witchcraft – I didn’t do shit for Litha (Summer Solstice). I had vague ideas to do something, but it never manifested. And honestly, I really like my blue altar cloth and didn’t want to swap it out for something fiery at this time. And, even more honestly, I was too lazy to do so. I really need to remind myself that I don’t actually have to DO anything. It’s not like I follow the pagan Wheel of the Year mythos at all. Instead, I should take those holy days as a day to reconnect with the natural cycles of the earth and my own life.
Full moon is coming up (Thursday). If nothing else, I would like to do some Oracle card reading. I really do like my Jade Oracle card deck. Maybe I can get together with Hazel and do a reading for her as well? She tends to do the readings most of the time – ok, she’s ALWAYS done the readings. ::laughs:: Hopefully, we can get together and just hang out if nothing else. I kind of feel like I’m just spinning my wheels, spiritually, at the moment.
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