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Watermelon margarita at On the Border. Though I’m pretty sure the watermelon only made up 10% of the drink. They made it STRONG.
David and I both had today off (he has to work this weekend though). We got his car inspected and then did a late lunch at On the Border. So damn good. Then it was back home for what turned out to be a family nap. ::chuckles:: And then a nice, quiet, relaxing day at home.
Hazel has cancelled two plans with me. Well, technically, I cancelled our plans to get together last night. She had to get stuff together with her step-mother for her father’s upcoming 50th birthday, so she wanted to get together at 8:45 pm. I was actually planning on being close to done with our ritual by that point, so I opted out. And then she text me today that she wouldn’t be able to go with me to the Arlington Gemstone and Mineral show this weekend.
Which I get, and completely understand. It still just sucks. But I’m still going. I am hoping to pick up a Pyrite Sand Dollar. They look like sun bursts and I want one to put Sekhmet’s statue on while it’s on the altar. I figured it would be a nice gift to Her. ::smiles:: And sushi may, or may not happen as well. All in all, a damn good start to this 3-day weekend.
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