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Ducky Dino and the Hawk oil from Sage Goddess I was talking about in my Thankful Thursday list. Seriously fucking love this one.
Gave some more thought to setting up a temporary altar/working space down here in the living room for when I need to do rituals and/or spell work. And David has a table out there set up for one of the TV speakers that would work just dandy. I would just need to remember to bring down the art board that I used for my Rail Road Spike ritual – it stays under my altar currently, that way any leftover energy raised during ritual can be sent into it. It has the sigils for each of the four rail road spikes, so any energy directed to those sigils, move on to the sigils on those individual spikes, thus powering the rail road spikes to do what they are charged to do. ::smiles:: One of my more ingenious witchery spells, if I do say so myself. And I have a medium sized plastic bin that sits in front of my altar that I use as a spell working platform because it’s the perfect height for me to sit on the floor and use it as a level surface. It would be quite easy to simply pack what I need for the working into that bin and bring it downstairs. This just might work out.
I got my bill today from my Doctor for her portion of the ablation. And you bet your ass I’ll be calling her on Monday about it. there are a few things I need clarification on immediately.
First off, it says my surgery deposit (of $1,008.57) was posted on January 1, 1951 – THIRTY years before I was even born? Hell, my MOM wasn’t born yet at that point.
And then it says I made a payment on June 5th (which I did) – but they are claiming it was only for $778. Um, bitch, I have the cancelled check that you cleared for $850. Where did the other $72 go??? I know, it may not sound like a lot, but I make roughly $23k a year. That $72 is a sizeable chunk to me. I need to know where the fuck that disappeared to and why it is NOT being applied to my balance. But of course, I have to wait until Monday before I can talk to someone about it. I’m doing my best not to get too bent out of shape about it yet. There’s no point to doing that at this moment. Just gotta breathe and wait until Monday. Then I can flip shit as needed.

Ducky Dino and the Hawk oil from Sage Goddess I was talking about in my Thankful Thursday list. Seriously fucking love this one.
Gave some more thought to setting up a temporary altar/working space down here in the living room for when I need to do rituals and/or spell work. And David has a table out there set up for one of the TV speakers that would work just dandy. I would just need to remember to bring down the art board that I used for my Rail Road Spike ritual – it stays under my altar currently, that way any leftover energy raised during ritual can be sent into it. It has the sigils for each of the four rail road spikes, so any energy directed to those sigils, move on to the sigils on those individual spikes, thus powering the rail road spikes to do what they are charged to do. ::smiles:: One of my more ingenious witchery spells, if I do say so myself. And I have a medium sized plastic bin that sits in front of my altar that I use as a spell working platform because it’s the perfect height for me to sit on the floor and use it as a level surface. It would be quite easy to simply pack what I need for the working into that bin and bring it downstairs. This just might work out.
I got my bill today from my Doctor for her portion of the ablation. And you bet your ass I’ll be calling her on Monday about it. there are a few things I need clarification on immediately.
First off, it says my surgery deposit (of $1,008.57) was posted on January 1, 1951 – THIRTY years before I was even born? Hell, my MOM wasn’t born yet at that point.
And then it says I made a payment on June 5th (which I did) – but they are claiming it was only for $778. Um, bitch, I have the cancelled check that you cleared for $850. Where did the other $72 go??? I know, it may not sound like a lot, but I make roughly $23k a year. That $72 is a sizeable chunk to me. I need to know where the fuck that disappeared to and why it is NOT being applied to my balance. But of course, I have to wait until Monday before I can talk to someone about it. I’m doing my best not to get too bent out of shape about it yet. There’s no point to doing that at this moment. Just gotta breathe and wait until Monday. Then I can flip shit as needed.
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