Friday, March 2, 2018

Welcome March!

written: March 1st

Our income tax return arrived.  Woohoo!  I am feeling crazy wealthy!  ::laughs::

Sadly, I have to be a Responsible Adult ™ about the bulk of that money.  BUT I am going to the zoo on Saturday.  I need a treat just for myself and I want to do some photography as well.  Besides, all things considered, I’ve been kicking major ass this semester and am actually ahead on some assignments.  So I can take a morning off and spend it at the zoo.  AND I have coffee/tea time with Hazel on Sunday.

Call me crazy, but this month is off to such a great start.  I have such high hopes for it.
Alexia is gone.  Even though this means we’re short a staff member and won’t always be able to get a sub, it’s still a huge stress relief to NOT have her on my campus.
Income Tax return.  Feeling flush!  ::chuckles::  I’m paying off some debt to give me some breathing room, and paying back the money I had to borrow out of savings to cover January and February.
Off Lithium and feeling worlds better for it.
Actually on top of my school assignments currently.

Now the trick is to keep it going!  ::chuckles::

1 comment:

  1. Glad your month is starting off great. I haven't even started my tax stuff yet. I always procrastinate.
