Friday, March 30, 2018

Thankful Thursday

written: March 29th

I am thankful…
1. That other than having a student tell me to fuck off, today really wasn’t that bad of a day. ::laughs:: Been years since I’ve had a kiddo cuss at me, it was almost funny.
2. I’ve registered for next semester’s classes! Just TWO SEMESTERS LEFT!!!!!!
3. My rosebush is so close to blooming. There are a couple dozen buds just finally beginning to split open to show off the color inside the green bud. A few more days and she’ll be a riot of color.
4. My new wand. I fucking love it. With as much as I love bones and stones, I don’t understand why I felt so damn compelled to have a wooden wand. It’s just another one of those “Wiccan Standards” that I had internalized without realizing. My new wand is made of bone and stone and she’s just AMAZING.
5. That today should have been the Brutal ™ period day…complete with so much fucking pain and cramping…but it wasn’t. I thank all that is holy for that blessing! I was NOT looking forward to an extra-long day (early release) spent wanting to kill everything.
6. That after a major scare, ProseBox is staying put. ::huge sigh of relief::
7. I’m also grateful for the various suggestions for other journaling sites. I really want to test out specifically for my grimoire.
8. Finally, COMPLETELY caught up on my pen-pal letters! Now watch, I’ll get like seven tomorrow and will be way behind again! ::laughs:: But I love it, so that’s all that matters.
9. That while I wasn’t able to do the Ostara gemstone fortunes (idea originally from Witchy Words) this year, I am already putting things into motion to do it next year. I’ll be mailing out Ostara eggs to Pagan friends with a surprise gemstone inside, and I’m super excited about it. So now, I have a year to compile the stones and their meanings and get it all set up and ready to go for next Ostara.
10. That Lil Niece’s book arrived well in advance of her birthday (Sunday). Yay, for an auntie win! ::laughs::

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