What to say about today?
I bought shampoo and toothpaste. Yay me!
I was supposed to meet up with Hazel for a Starbucks
hangout…but she lost track of time and stood me up. ::shrugs::
Oh well. Starbucks has their
Easter gift cards out, so I snagged a few of those to add to my every growing
collection. I should photograph
them. I have quite a few. Hell, I’m thinking of asking my international
pen pals to send me ones from their country.
I could make a Flickr album to show off which ones I currently
have. I keep them in a business card
portfolio – I’m on my second one now.
::chuckles:: It’s silly how happy
they make me, but I’m just embracing it and rolling with it.
I FINALLY did my Polar Bear day / Full Moon combo ritual
today. Late as fuck, but hey, it got
done! I blessed everything with the Red
Fast Luck Oil I made last year. I ended
up adding some of the Red Fast Luck Oil to the tea lights once the wax had
melted a bit. After that, I burned them
on top of the box I have my polar bear trip tokens and wishes in, to attract
the financial bounty I need to make that dream come true.
I am behind on responding to my pen pals. ::chuckles::
I have so many now that it’s almost difficult to keep up with. But I’m happy to have that ‘problem’. And given that a number of them are Pagans,
it just makes me happy. ::smiles::
Alex P. sent me a friend request on Facebook. We were club acquaintances (met at the Gothic
Club I used to frequent) who were friends on Facebook for a while. Until a vast number of his friends came out
as Loud And Proud ™ White Nationalists.
Like, seriously 75% of his friends were some variation of
self-proclaimed White Nationalist, White Supremacist, Neo-Nazi, Nazi-Sympathizer,
etc. So, needless to say, I peaced the
fuck out of there. So I’m baffled while
he would send me another friend request (I unfriended him MONTHS ago). I’m Polish/Ukrainian, Native descendant, non
blonde haired/blue-eyed woman who is NOT having children. The only way they would dislike me more is if
I was a Jew or Black. I just get the
feeling that I would be the “token” friend that he would say “Look, see – I have
a Polish friend and so I CAN’T be a White Supremacist”. Yeah, count me the fuck out on that
shit. I just hope he takes the hint and
goes away. If not, I’ll block his ass as
well. I have NO dealings with any of
that White Supremacist shit…and Nazis? I’ll
fucking punch one of those bastards and not feel the slightest bit bad about
it. And the people who support these
types of people can fuck right off with them.
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