Sharing an amazing photo I shot today of Alfred, the mostly wild cottontail rabbit, who frequents our yard:

I haven’t seen him in a while, so I was happy to see he made it through the “winter” months we had for a little while. And Alfred seems to be his normal bunny self.
Seems SimpleMind has decided NOT to shut ProseBox down…yet. So I’m staying put for now. But a fellow blogger Paper suggested and the more I look into it, the more I like it. The main selling point is the ability to have them print your journal in hardback book format. And for me, I really want to test that out with my Grimoire. It would certainly make it easier, especially with the local Staples store shutting down. I had planned to have my yearly grimoire printed and bound by them, but this would be so much easier. So I will be actively working on that project this summer to get everything written and caught up the way I want it, so then I just have to maintain it through the end of the year and then I can print it out and see if that’s an avenue worth continued use.
Tomorrow is early release day for the students. And I started my period today – friggin five days early (of course). So of course, tomorrow…the long ass day with the kiddos….is going to be the worst day period wise for me. Needless to say, I will be packing the Midol, Ibuprofen, and will be picking up a frappucino and a bag of Flipz (chocolate covered pretzels) and probably some bag of chips as well. But still, say a prayer for all of us tomorrow.
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