Yay for a day off of work due to Good Friday.
But apparently, the bill came due on me having a nice period day yesterday. Today, I have been down for the count for most of the day due to a damn migraine. Holy fuck. It’s been ages since I’ve had one that bad, that was refusing to respond to typical medication. Didn’t help that today the lawn care guy came with all his loud machines. And given that he does our yard and three of our neighbors’ yards at the same time, he’s here for quite a chunk of time. And then, because he hasn’t been here for a while due to “winter months”…Josey was barking every time he went by the door. ::shakes her head:: I was dying. Luckily, he was done by 2 pm and I headed immediately to bed.
I got up at 4 pm – migraine was not even PHASED by the medicine and a nap. ::sighs:: So had to bust out my husband’s headache medication and a frappucino I had left over from yesterday (my aide Emily had bought one for me as a surprise for our LONG ASS DAY). So now, the headache/migraine is mostly gone, but now I’m nauseous from the frappucino. I swear, I’m about sick of all these weirdo things my body has started doing here recently. I should probably just do the Whole 30 challenge, and clean up my eating for an entire month and see how much better I am at the end of it.
I know it’s going to suck in the beginning, but I think one of the challenges I’ll set up for myself for April is to go completely coffee free for the entire month. Really, the only coffee I get is just the fraps at the gas stations before work. And I’d say 75% of the time, I don’t finish the coffee and I feel mild nausea afterwards. So why am I tossing money away on that? ::shakes her head:: Gatorade or water instead for the month of April. We’ll see how I’m feeling at the end of that month to decide if I’ll continue with it or not.
A friend shared a video of Bad Wolves’s cover of “Zombie” originally by the Cranberries. And holy mother of god…it’s been ages since I’ve lusted over someone, but the lead vocalist, Tommy Vext? I straight up wanted to just hump-tackle him. Dem arms, dem voice, dem tattoos, dem MOHAWK?!?!?! ::full on swoon:: I was a goner. I’ve always heard the phrase “my ovaries exploded” but never directly experienced it. Until this damn video. I was actually SAD I couldn’t give this guy a baby! ::laughs:: I listened to and watched this video 4 times, WITH THE HEADACHE of DOOM raging because I was so infatuated with Tommy Vext. He reminds me of Ricky Whittle – he plays “Lincoln” in The 100 and holy crap, that’s another completely lust-worthy man. Now I want to re-watch The 100. I almost wish I had cable, because Season 5 starts next month on the CW. So it’ll be a year or so before that hits Netflix.
So with April swiftly approaching, I need to finalize a few things. I’m launching a new round of the 101 Goals in 1001 Days. But, I’m not posting those goals for the world to see. I came across this meme and it just really resonated with me:
And it’s not that I’m really worried about someone out there hexing my goals. But I’ve noticed when I make it public, it’s almost like my contrary personality comes out. and since I’ve made it publically know that This Is My Goal….now, I don’t want to fucking do it. ::laughs:: And I get weirdly anxious about it. Like not all of my goals are World Changing ™ or anything. And some, I really want to do, but I know they sound insanely dorky, so I get super self-conscious about them. So, instead of sharing the list of goals publicly, I will simply report on the ones I accomplish. ::chuckles::
And April is another round of the NaJoWriMo. I was kicking around the idea of writing every day (which I already do, so that’s kind of a moot point). I thought of challenging myself to write 500 words a day…but we’re moving steadily into the homestretch of the semester, and I know I’m going to be stressed the fuck out, so why heap on more obligations and effectively set myself up to fail? So instead, I’m making it a point to try out JRNL.com for my grimoire. For the month of April, I am going to focus on transferring my various grimoire private entries over to JRNL.com and getting comfortable with that site. Hopefully, I will maintain it for the rest of the year and can have them print my grimoire as a hard-bound book. I don’t have to write an entry a day, but I do have to do SOME sort of grimoire-based work every day for the month of April. That could be writing down the entries (dates and titles) that I want to transfer over. That could be uploading various artwork (with credit to their creators). It could be research notes, or photos I’ve taken. Just SOMETHING witchcraft-based for every day of April.
But apparently, the bill came due on me having a nice period day yesterday. Today, I have been down for the count for most of the day due to a damn migraine. Holy fuck. It’s been ages since I’ve had one that bad, that was refusing to respond to typical medication. Didn’t help that today the lawn care guy came with all his loud machines. And given that he does our yard and three of our neighbors’ yards at the same time, he’s here for quite a chunk of time. And then, because he hasn’t been here for a while due to “winter months”…Josey was barking every time he went by the door. ::shakes her head:: I was dying. Luckily, he was done by 2 pm and I headed immediately to bed.
I got up at 4 pm – migraine was not even PHASED by the medicine and a nap. ::sighs:: So had to bust out my husband’s headache medication and a frappucino I had left over from yesterday (my aide Emily had bought one for me as a surprise for our LONG ASS DAY). So now, the headache/migraine is mostly gone, but now I’m nauseous from the frappucino. I swear, I’m about sick of all these weirdo things my body has started doing here recently. I should probably just do the Whole 30 challenge, and clean up my eating for an entire month and see how much better I am at the end of it.
I know it’s going to suck in the beginning, but I think one of the challenges I’ll set up for myself for April is to go completely coffee free for the entire month. Really, the only coffee I get is just the fraps at the gas stations before work. And I’d say 75% of the time, I don’t finish the coffee and I feel mild nausea afterwards. So why am I tossing money away on that? ::shakes her head:: Gatorade or water instead for the month of April. We’ll see how I’m feeling at the end of that month to decide if I’ll continue with it or not.
A friend shared a video of Bad Wolves’s cover of “Zombie” originally by the Cranberries. And holy mother of god…it’s been ages since I’ve lusted over someone, but the lead vocalist, Tommy Vext? I straight up wanted to just hump-tackle him. Dem arms, dem voice, dem tattoos, dem MOHAWK?!?!?! ::full on swoon:: I was a goner. I’ve always heard the phrase “my ovaries exploded” but never directly experienced it. Until this damn video. I was actually SAD I couldn’t give this guy a baby! ::laughs:: I listened to and watched this video 4 times, WITH THE HEADACHE of DOOM raging because I was so infatuated with Tommy Vext. He reminds me of Ricky Whittle – he plays “Lincoln” in The 100 and holy crap, that’s another completely lust-worthy man. Now I want to re-watch The 100. I almost wish I had cable, because Season 5 starts next month on the CW. So it’ll be a year or so before that hits Netflix.
So with April swiftly approaching, I need to finalize a few things. I’m launching a new round of the 101 Goals in 1001 Days. But, I’m not posting those goals for the world to see. I came across this meme and it just really resonated with me:

And it’s not that I’m really worried about someone out there hexing my goals. But I’ve noticed when I make it public, it’s almost like my contrary personality comes out. and since I’ve made it publically know that This Is My Goal….now, I don’t want to fucking do it. ::laughs:: And I get weirdly anxious about it. Like not all of my goals are World Changing ™ or anything. And some, I really want to do, but I know they sound insanely dorky, so I get super self-conscious about them. So, instead of sharing the list of goals publicly, I will simply report on the ones I accomplish. ::chuckles::
And April is another round of the NaJoWriMo. I was kicking around the idea of writing every day (which I already do, so that’s kind of a moot point). I thought of challenging myself to write 500 words a day…but we’re moving steadily into the homestretch of the semester, and I know I’m going to be stressed the fuck out, so why heap on more obligations and effectively set myself up to fail? So instead, I’m making it a point to try out JRNL.com for my grimoire. For the month of April, I am going to focus on transferring my various grimoire private entries over to JRNL.com and getting comfortable with that site. Hopefully, I will maintain it for the rest of the year and can have them print my grimoire as a hard-bound book. I don’t have to write an entry a day, but I do have to do SOME sort of grimoire-based work every day for the month of April. That could be writing down the entries (dates and titles) that I want to transfer over. That could be uploading various artwork (with credit to their creators). It could be research notes, or photos I’ve taken. Just SOMETHING witchcraft-based for every day of April.