Photo for today:
A massive white crepe myrtle in the neighborhood that the owners have all sorts of Marti Gras beads in it as well. I really like their style. ::chuckles::
I am thankful…
1. FINALLY catching up on my daily posts and photos. I’ve let go of the expectations I had put on myself and just go with what I feel like writing. I’m not setting out to write anything earth-shattering here. I’m just writing because I enjoy it.
2. My MoonTime is winding down. Man, that first 24 to 30 hours are hell – crazy cramps and bloating…but after that, it all just mellows out. Just have to make it through those first 30 hours or so.
3. Making it more of a point to take walks with Josey in the evenings. I really am enjoying and she definitely benefits from it.
4. Josey cuddling up with me in my room this afternoon and we napped for an hour and a half. She normally isn’t allowed to sleep on my bed, but it made for a pleasant nap.
5. Holly’s crepe myrtle is finally blooming. I’ll need to get photos of that soon. It’s beautiful. Love the brilliant red of the blossoms.
6. All the gorgeous flowers blooming in my neighborhood. I get to enjoy the hard work other people put into growing these flowers, without having to put in the effort myself.
7. That I have tomorrow off. I ADORE the three day weekends. It’s one of the major benefits of the Summer Tech job.
8. Working on Mandalas once again. I’m working hard to release any expectations or criticism. It’s more about the ACT of creating rather than the final product. I’m creating for the sake of creating. I’ve done two. Just 198 more to go! ::chuckles::
9. Air conditioning. Already we have had a week of 103+ degree weather so a/c is a gift from heaven, seeing as how summer is just beginning to gear up.
10. The plants that I do have are doing so well – Holly’s crepe myrtle, the rosebush, and the basil plant. I like caring for them. ::smiles::
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