Photo for today:
The Red Rocket crepe myrtle is FINALLY blooming! Hurray! Damn, I LOVE these flaming red blossoms with the dark green, almost black, leaves. Just stunning.
Leviathan’s hatch-day cards arrived today. They are friggin’ cute. Not as pretty as her 10th hatch-day cards (from last year), but still cute. I’ll start working on addressing them this weekend, even though I won’t be mailing them for a bit. But it at least want to get the Out-of-the-Country ones addressed and stamped, so I can get them in the mail mid-July. Sending mail overseas can take up to a month or two to arrive, and I would like for them to arrive on or at least close to Leviathan’s hatch-day (Sept 5th).
So I went looking for birthday style stamps on and lost a good hour of my life. They have SHARK stamps coming out in late July!!! I definitely want to order a set of those. And they have Disney villain ones too! Seriously, USPS stamp store is DANGEROUS for me. I would gladly spend my entire paycheck on stamps and postcards. ::laughs:: Sucks to have bills to pay instead. Not nearly as much fun.
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