Photo for the day:
I was TRYING to get a photo of the way Josey rests her chin on my chair arm rest. It makes her under bite so much more dramatic. ::laughs:: But at the last moment she decided to jump up to greet me. So this is my artistic rendition of “Josey in Motion”.
I forgot to also say that yesterday, while the Husband was at work, I went to TOWN cleansing this house. Seems I’ve had a spook running amuck in my house…making physical contact even. And then I dreamt of her, doing the same things in my dream. But in my dream, she made the mistake of telling me her name in the dream. And names have power. Even the Catholic priests know this and when performing an exorcism, one the critical points is to learn the demon’s name. By knowing the demon’s name, the priest is then able to drive it out. The same with spooks, Fae, and spirits.
So armed with that knowledge, I smudged the house down with Sage first. It drives out the evil, the bane, the negative.
Then I smudged the house down with Sweetgrass. It calls in the good, the positive, the helpful.
Then I cut a sprig of holly for the thorn holly bushes in the front yard, and used that to spritz the war water over every window, every door, every vent, anything that could be visualized as an “entry” point into the house. I even had a nice little chant to go with it, that was used at each entry point. Basically stating over and over that I was sealing my house against unwanted and uninvited spirits. Only those directly invited by name may enter. I ended at the front door, calling loudly into the house, that all bane was banished, specifically <spirit’s name="">’s ass was banished the fuck out of my house and was never welcome again. Then I sealed that door with the war water as well.
Because I don’t care for the pungent smell of sage, and this sage bundle I have gets REALLY smoky, I then lit a stick of sandalwood incense, just to usher in some calm, peaceful energy.
And damn does my house feel AWESOME now.
Which, funny note. Sunday night, the spook was just gearing up for her crap again….to begin with she likes to rattle things in my closet ever so slightly and build up from there. Well, so Sunday night, she starts this shit up, and I hiss at her with all the hatred and malice I could muster (and believe me, I got that shit on tap!), that if she didn’t knock that shit off, instead of simply kicking her out of my house, I’d fucking trap her spirit in a damn bottle and sink in the bottom of the lake and THAT is where she could spend the rest of eternity. I didn’t have any issues that night. ::laughs:: I don’t know the first thing about trapping a spirit in a bottle – honestly, it doesn’t sound overly kind – but if she’d kept that shit up, I would figure out swiftly and promptly sink her little ass to the bottom of the ocean if needs be.
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