written: June 14th
Photos for today (yes TWO photos. Aren’t you lucky?!):
Gorgeous flowers along our walk this evening, just Josey and I.
Damn, I got slammed with a migraine from hell today. I haven’t been
laid out like that in a long time. I guess I should start keeping track
of that, as they do seem to be gaining in frequency. I’m only getting 4
or 5 a year, which is nothing compared to the once a week ones I was
getting my freshman/sophomore years of college. Thanks Pill. Those
were so fucking awesome. ::sarcasm galore there::
This migraine eased up around 3: 30 pm (it began in the early morning
hours of 2 am). Once I was able to look at a computer screen without
it sending daggers into my brain, I was able to post about it. And then
came the flood of “helpful suggestions”. I know people mean well. And
people who have endured and survived migraines really will try just
about ANYTHING to keep the migraines away or to at least lessen the
damaging pain it brings. I’ve been dealing with migraines since
2001…trust me, I’ve tried just about everything. For mine, I just need a
dim, cold, quiet room with a fuzzy blanket and some orange flavored
Gatoraid. Other than that, I just need time. Now I just have to wait
out the damn “brain bruise” that comes after a nasty migraine. My brain
literally feels bruised. It aches and there is nothing to do for that
either. ::sighs:: Just time. But at least I can go to work tomorrow.
Apparently I emailed my HEAD boss at the Tech Job and made a very
pointed email letting him know I wouldn’t be in today. I’m just glad it
made sense and wasn’t rude and didn’t use any cuss words, as I totally
do not recall writing that particular email. ::chuckles::
In other news, my iron spikes arrived today. Woohoo! I can only
imagine what the mailman thinks of me, with my random packages.
Especially this one being so damn heavy. Seriously HEAVY. I hadn’t
thought about the weight of what FOUR of these massive railroad spikes
would be. ::chuckles:: Now I just need to spend some time cleaning,
cleansing, and figuring out exactly how I want this warding spell to go
down. I’m excited about the possibilities. I’m thinking of dedicating
each spike to a particular direction (North, East, South, and West) and
writing specific qualities tied to those directions. Qualities that
would be good for the home and the family. And once all of that is
done, and the spell is cast, I’ll drive those stakes into the four
corners of each our property. The two spikes that go in the front yard
are the ones that will be tricky. But what’s a bit of witchery without
some risk of having the neighbors scratching their heads? ::chuckles::
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