Photo for the day:
Pretty little blossoms of some sort that I saw on our walk. Thankfully, the weather was kinder today…just low 90s instead of the 105. But all the same, Josey and I were both quite happy to return home to the a/c. ::chuckles::
I am rather pleased by the expressed interest my various buddies have in receiving one of Leviathan’s 11th hatch-day cards. I worried at times that people may not want these cards, but are far too polite to say so. So this has been a very pleasant surprise. I’m currently up to 24 individuals. I need to remember to ask if anyone in my witches’ online group would like one as well. I have asked on FaceBook and on my blog. Luckily Shutterfly has a 50% off coupon good through today. I will probably order 30 to 35 just to be safe (as I need a few for Leviathan’s baby book and various art journals). And if I need to, I can order a few more later on.
I have so many things I want to do – mostly creative things. But I don’t make the time. I’d love to do some more pages in Leviathan’s scrapbook/baby book. I’d love to do more art journaling. I’d love to do some more pages in my Working Grimoire. I’d love to do more photography. Hell, I’d love to be a LOT thinner and be more in shape. But I plant my butt in front of the computer and hours disappear. I honestly need to limit that and put more time and effort into my creative pursuits. There is NO reason I shouldn’t be creating at least THREE creative pages a week. And I’m not even talking three FINISHED pages – note-taking, sketching, painting, some photography, all of that counts. If I’m ever going to get better on this stuff, I have to practice it.
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